Page 12 of Patches

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“So, so much worse.”


“Check his vitals while I have a look at his eyes,” Patches told Lesion. He moved his light over both, finding what Bishop had.

“His pulse feels steady,” Lesion muttered. “What do you think?”

He looked around, spotting the head piece on the floor and picked it up. “Would help to know what the fuck did this.” He put them on his head.

“What do you see?”

“A blank screen.”

“He speaks to his computers,” Bishop said. “Try that.”

“Turn on,” Patches said.

“I’m sorry, your voice is not recognized by our system. Please enter the security passcode to proceed.”

“It’s saying I need a passcode. It’s voice recognition.”

“What about Cat?” Lesion wondered. “She saw something, maybe he added her voice.”

As much as he hated to bring her back in, he really needed to know. “I need to know what he endured.”

“I’ll go get her,” Bishop said.

“She mentioned they burned him,” Lesion muttered. “If this trauma is from over stimulation, I have something that can stabilize his neuropathways.”

“With you?”

“Yes. I brought my emergency kit.”

“I really need to learn your kind of medicine,” Patches said.

“You keep threatening that.”

Patches turned when Bishop and Cat entered.

“I don’t know if I have voice control,” she said, reminding him he needed to check her too. He handed her the headset, and she slipped it on. “I don’t know what to tell it. Hello?”

“Hello, Cat, what would you like today?”

“It’s asking me what I would like.”

“Can you ask it to playback the last session?” Bishop said.

“Can you replay the last session with Ethan?”

“Retrieving data of the last session with Ethan. Hells Inferno, level ten. Sadist—Grim Reaper.”

She ripped the headset off and handed it to him. “It’s on…” she gasped. “It’s on, I can’t watch.”

Patches took it from her and put the goggles on. The sight of Ethan in flames tied face down on a stone table froze his fucking blood. He fought his body’s need to react to the horror, not wanting to add more stress to Cat. His pulse pounded as he handed the goggles to Lesion, ready to vomit. “Thank you Cat. You can go.”

She hurried out and he looked at Lesion. “Fuckingbraceyourself,” he whispered. “Tell me what we might be dealing with.” There was no doubt in his mind that his brain had seized from that kind of mental trauma. Being burned alive would have engaged every pain sensor on the body. And for how long? Was it till they unhooked him? From what she’d said, yes. He couldn’t begin to calculate the agony he would’ve endured. Enough to give him a heart attack or stroke.

“Holy. Fucking….” Lesion muttered then removed the goggles. He stood with his eyes closed, head shaking for many seconds. Patches eyed Bishop who also watched him.
