Page 13 of Patches

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“I can fix this,” he suddenly said, hurrying to his bag near the door and returning with it.

“What will you do?”

“First I’ll clear the air with sage then prepare a carefully measured tincture of neuro-stabilizers to allow his system to enter a recovery state.”

“Here?” Bishop asked.

“Let’s move him to his bed. Once I get him stable, he can recover there. I’ll leave Cat with a protocol she can administer after I see he’s stable. I’ll stay with him till then. I know you both have have last minute hurricane prep. I’ll stay with Cat till he’s out of the danger zone.”

Patches watched Eveque’s entire body sag as his head dropped. “Thank you God,” he whispered wrapping his arms around Lesion and stepping back. “Thank you, brother.” He eyed Patches. “Both of you.” He let out a huge breath, eyeing Ethan. “What happens when he wakes?” he whispered, covering his mouth and putting his back to them. “He’ll have it all to face again.”

“Then I won’t leave till he makes a complete recovery. Tully will come and keep Cat company, we’ll be more than safe here during the storm. I’ll personally make sure he’s supervised.”

Bishop raked both hands through his hair and Patches didn’t like the look he wore. Like somebody terrified of losing a family member. First Nitro, now Ethan. With the war closing in, the air was packed with bad vibes that strummed along their worst fears. And now a hurricane.

“What about Nitro?” he suddenly wondered, panic back in his eyes.

“I got ‘em,” Patches said. “I have Miss Tegan here to help me get him tagged and the app up and running.”

“And as soon as you get that,” Lesion added, “call me. I have the necessary data to upload into the program.”

“You know how?” Bishop asked Patches.

“Shedoes,” he said.

At his relief, the white lie rolled right off him. Hopefully she did know.

Bishop glanced at Ethan and stared for many seconds. “I still remember him at thirteen.”

Patches chest constricted with the pain Bishop couldn’t keep from his voice. “He was so angry.Sofucking shattered. I had to…be…way too fuckingtoughon him.”

The break of Eveque’s voice stabbed Patches through and through. Fuck.

“He’ll recover,” Lesion said.

His assurance was the only balm they had, and Patches grabbed onto it. Lesion knew what he was doing, despite what anybody thought or said. He had plenty of confidence in his perfectionistic ways.


Patches checked his phone, not surprised to find a Texas Tegan text.

You got lost bubba? Not nice to leave the volunteer dripping wet with strangers.

Shit. He got going on the swamp dragon, texting once he was on a straight away.Sorry, one of our brothers needed some help. Headed back now. I’ll need you to help me round up some of my patients that will be staying at the hospital during the hurricane. You game?

His phone buzzed in his hand, and he glanced at it.Happy to help however I can.

Nice.Nice,he decided to text.

He put the phone between his legs and picked it up again, adding,Thanks.

He pulled up Sarah and texted.I got called to another emergency. Will be picking up our patients. Can you please double check that the rooms are ready? And did that order of delivery kits make it? Thanks.

His phone buzzed before he could set it between his legs. Sarah, no doubt. She somehow always managed to return a text within record time. At first it was convenient, now it was a little…something else. As a date option, she checked all the important boxes. Dependable. Simple. Easy to work with. Liked working at the hospital. Would be like having a second him if he trained her. And he needed several of hims. And she was easy on the eyes. Nothing too pretty which was just right. He didn’t need distractions in his line of work.

His mind strayed to Texas Tegan. The surprise that didn’t stop surprising. He’d had to leave before he could introduce her. He also escaped watching his brothers trip on their dicks around her. Another beautiful outsider to distract the men of the swamp who should be marrying women of the swamp.

Their lives weren’t short of unexpected twists in the road lately. Why stop now? At this rate, there’d be two brothers left for marrying. What did this say about preserving their ways? Not a hell of a lot. Grand Pier was not happy with how that was going. Nor would he be happy when Patches required him to come back with him. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He was too old to be left alone in a hurricane and Patches couldn’t stay with him. There was no time to bring Texas Tegan anywhere but with him. Volunteer work started now. She could hopefully sweet talk them onto the boat faster. Or justtalkthem onto the boat.
