Page 20 of Patches

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He took a moment to imagine doing those things with his swamp options only to have his mind rebel, super-imposing Tegan’sfuckingassin every scenario. Apparently, his mind saw it as a vital piece of plumbing in his forever investment.

This Texas fantasy was turning into a wet blanket over his swamp.

He remembered her family had the same tradition with marrying local. And he sure as fuck wasn’t Texan. Which made them a truly fucking impossible fantasy. To jack-off to.

He removed his coat jacket and stretched his neck, still sore as fuck from his brotherly beating. He made his way to his work-out room next to one of the bedrooms, ready to let off some steam. Then it was back to work. Fuck, he needed to bring that birthing kit to that Viking clan in Bullet’s hatch. They had their own mid-wives and not once did any of them enter his hospital. But when it came to mothers, he didn’t care who they were or what their beliefs, he gave them supplies. They never denied them, but he felt like it was their way of keeping peace. They kept to themselves and married in their bloodline only. He respected that. They respected the Bishops, making all well and good so long as they didn’t cross their codes. Or get caught crossing them.

Maybe he’d take Tegan with him. Give her a chance to see the swamps while she was there. And him a chance to collect more material to torment himself with.

He dropped the barbell after twenty-five reps, hearing talking. He made his way to the door and opened it a crack.

“No, I volunteered to help out. The man who runs the hospital is the one I sold the equipment to. I still need to set that up. Oh, just some kind of bat nuisance, I’m not really sure.”

Who was she protecting his privacy from?

“I was just calling to see how you were, didn’t know I needed a reason. Well, I ain’t never been in no hurricane, I’m kinda getting nervous.” She gave a sigh. “Yes,” she drawled in her cute accent. “Yes, Daddy, I know.”

Daddy. His dick jerked at how fucking cute she sounded.

“The man is very nice, he works for the same people you got your modified bike from. Yep, same ones. He’s been a gentleman, really. You will not,” she giggled, making him wonder what brought that. “Well, I was thinking of maybe setting up a shop around here. They have a melting pot of tourists that pass through. I don’t know, I like it, it’s real pretty here. I know it ain’t Texas, silly.” He listened in the sudden silence. “Yes, I will. Yes… I know…. I know that too. Daddy, I will,” she whined quietly. “Don’t call me that. No, I ain’t. Time you let me grow up. I gotta go. I love you, Daddy.”

Another side of Texas Tegan. And his cock approved of every bit. Ridiculous. Now that he wasn’t celibate, his dick seemed to be very busy making all sorts of plans without him.

He opened the door, eager to see what she wore after her shower. Rounding the corner, he ran into her gaze all over his body reminding him what he wasn’t wearing.

“Everybody okay?” he asked, seeing she was back in the outfit he’d first met her in.

Her eyes snapped up to his and she swallowed. “What you mean?”

“I heard you on the phone, sorry.”

“Oh…no, you’re fine. Just wanted to touch base with my Daddy. He worries.”

There was his tough Tegan. He realized how much of an act that was.

“Sarah washed my clothes for me,” she said quietly. “Was very nice of her. Glad she’s one of your uh…dating options.”

He lowered his head.

“Sorry, I forgot I was stepping back. I’m just making small talk. She’s real nice though, just wanted to say that. A good fit for you, I mean. Everything you said. I misjudged her.” She tore her eyes from his chest and took a seat at one of the dining table chairs behind her. “So we need to see about your brother now? I like to stay busy. Get him tagged and taken care of. Set up the app for you.”

“Can I grab a shower first? Was waiting for you to finish.”

“Well, duh,” she said in a sweet tone before nodding. “I see your bruises are turning beautiful.”

Mmm. “How long you think it’ll take to get that tag in him, and everything set up.”

“Well, I tagged fifty steers a day, it’s a jiffy,” she snapped. “Five minutes I’d say. Mostly figuring out the best place to put the tag then the app set up, I’m gonna say an hour, maybe two, depending on what system you’re operating. If it’s windows, we’re good, if it’s a mac, we’re looking at twice that. I hate macs.”

“You and me both,” he grinned, enjoying the fight she put up to keep her eyes off of him. She was losing and he loved it. “Thought you were talking to a boyfriend at first,” he said, making his way to one of the chairs at the table and sitting next to her.

She flustered and he wondered if it was his nearness or the boyfriend. Maybe both. “Not a boyfriend,” she said, or confessed. “Not yet.”

“That’s a real shock.”

She sputtered a laugh with that sexy half grin. “Why?”

“Just imagined you’d have one.”
