Page 21 of Patches

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“Why?” she pushed, her cute twang pinging his cock.

“You need me to tell you that?”

Her curiosity lost to her sudden inhibitions, and she lowered her gaze. “I don’t need anything like that,” she muttered. “I was just curious why you thought it is all. No biggie.”

“Some people don’t know how beautiful they are. Thought you might be one is all.”

She gave a shy, nervous laugh, pushing hair behind her ear and looking at everything but him. “I mean…looks ain’t everything. I sometimes wish that, anyway.”

She looked in her lap now, her answer engaging his more demanding curiosity. “I can relate. I get tired of being wanted for strictly my gorgeous body too.”

She gave more sputtered laughs. “You are a Mr. October,” she regretted to inform him, heat in her gaze.

“And youarea Miss Texas.”

She wet her lips, her smile getting bigger. “And single. Well…I am.”

“I’m not married, yet.”

Her smile faltered and she narrowed her gaze, lowering it. “You ever have a girlfriend before?”

“No,” he said, wanting very much to talk about exactly that. “I haven’t. You?”

The daring question hung in the air while he silently willed her to play the information exchange game with him. “Nothin’…long term.” She closed her eyes. “I don’t…sleep around I didn’t mean that, I meant the boyfriends I had were very short term. Didn’t take me but a week to figure I didn’t want anything long term with them. Or they didn’t.”

He realized the latter was more truth than the former.

“I had two girlfriends in my entire life. When I was thirteen and sixteen. The one at sixteen, I lost my virginity. And I use the term lost because it was definitely a gamble I should’ve never taken. Lesson learned.”

“Sorry to hear that. Sixteen is a pretty dumb age for most people.”

“I wasn’t dumb at sixteen,” he assured. “But I did make a dumb choice.”

“Well, I’ve made dumb choices but none that ended in the loss of my virginity. And I’m not ashamed of it,” she said.

Fucking virgin. “Why would you be?” he wondered, curious over her beliefs with that.

“Because in this day and age, you’d swear it’s some kind of mental illness being a virgin. I didn’t say I was altogether innocent, now,” she added, as if she couldn’t stand having a clean sexual record.

So she’d fooled around. How far, he wondered. He fucking wanted to finger her.

“You must be nervous having to…do all that stuff that goes with dating. But it’s like riding a bike, I’m sure.” She closed her eyes briefly. “That did not sound right. I don’t see those things as flippantly as riding a bike.”

“Good to hear.” He remembered their classes. “The men are required to take classes,” he said.


“To learn or re-learn how to ride that bike. For those who need it.”

She struggled to hold his stare. “Are you gonna…” Again, she closed her eyes with a sigh. “Not my business.”

“I don’t need the classes but I’m taking them.”


He decided those twangs in various words were an official turn on. “They’re mandatory.”

She gave a look of surprise. “Wow, I…I like that. I think it’s smart. But…you don’t think you need them?”
