Page 22 of Patches

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“I don’t think I do, no.”

She nodded, her curiosity peeking out with a tugging smile. “Cause you’re a doctor? You know more than most men?”

“Yes that.”

She eyed him more now. “And? You sound like you have more than knowledge.”

“I’m not a sexual pro, if that’s what you’re wondering. But I know all the important basics. The rest would be learned with the woman I’m with.”

She nodded a little then a lot. “Makes sense. Smart too. I like it. I mean I like all of this…swamp stuff. The marriages, the codes, the way everybody looks at it.” She gave a light chuckle. “It’s a darn shame one can’t choose where they’re born.”

He nodded a little. “Itreallyis.” He let himself burn for five more seconds while considering her words. She was right about that. Where you were born shouldn’t matter in certain affairs. He’d picked three women to court from the swamp. He’d see that through and give it a fair go. But if Tegan was there from some roll of the fate dice, then he would find that out. “Gonna grab that shower.”


Tegan watched Dr. Dirty Water gograb that shower, while she grabbed her scattered hormones still raging. Momma help me, his ass in those jeans. Her stomach flip-flopped at everything he’d said. He said fairly point blank that she was gorgeous as he was. Called her Miss Texas. Mercy, if she was as gorgeous ashim?She was damn gorgeous. She sat there with boiling cheeks and big ole grin. Her grin faltered as she recalled his overall presence sitting so close to her in that chair. His fine ass at the edge, legs open, naked, sweaty chest needing all her devoted attention. He’d been cock-sure from the moment she met him, but lord have some mercy on her Texas soul, it had surely doubled.

She sucked in a breath and shot up. He was making a delivery he’d said. With her. Just her? She should go check on Becky while waiting. She was sweet as cream pie and scared as a lamb, poor thing. She was all by herself while the other two mothers had a flock of women with them. Mothers, sisters, aunts. Both Becky’s parents had died, and she was an only child with a husband who left childbearing to the women. Bless her heart, she thought that was okay, but it surely was not. These mandatory husband classes needed to be swamp-wide, not just Twelve wide. A woman should never be alone for something as big as having a baby. Sure, it was her third, but still. And she was scared because the last delivery was hard and long at home. Patches had to go, and he saved her life and the baby so this time, he insisted on her being closer. Judging by the light in Becky’s eyes, she was very happy he had. And she was aweekoverdue.

She knocked on her door. “It’s Tegan,” she called.

“Come in.”

She entered, returning Becky’s big smile. “Coming to see if you need anything?”

She shook her head. “I’m so good,” she said, looking like she might want to cry over it. “I get spoilt whenever I come to Dr. Patches’ hospital. And you know he wants to do a maternity ward with all sorts of fancy stuff for the mothers? Their own bathrooms and everything. He mentioned water births,” she gasped with wide eyes. “I ain’t never heard of such a thing.”

“Really?” she said, her heart skipping around in absolute joy at hearing such a thing about him. He was enough man for a dozen dummies. “He’s so sweet, isn’t he?”

She nodded with a little smile. “He’s getting married you know.”

“Oh, don’t I know it,” Tegan said, grinning at how she seemed proud about it. She moved the blanket off her feet. “Swelling’s better, I think?”

“They feel better, thank you.”

Tegan grabbed the bottle of baby oil from the nightstand. “How about a good ole Texan foot rub-down?”

“Oh, you don’t have to do that!”

Tegan laughed at the huge smile and light in her eyes. “I surely do. You were gonna tell me about names.”

She sucked in a breath, lacing her fingers in her lap. “If it’s a boy, we’re naming him Jeremiah Jacobs, and if it’s a girl, I’m calling her Gracelynn Savanah.”

“Gracelynn! Ilovethat name!”

She squealed and nodded. “Me too. Burt likes it too and it ain’t often him and I agree on such things.”

“Who came up with the boy name?”

“Oh, he did. He gets to name the boys,” she said with an affectionate smile. “That’s our deal.”

Tegan giggled. “And you have two girls?”

She nodded, covering her smile briefly. “You know I don’t care but for his sake, I’m hoping this one’s a boy.” She whispered it like she worried the baby might hear and be offended. Lord this woman was too adorable.

“Healthy and strong is all I care about Miss Becky.”

She nodded a lot with her tinkly laughter. “Indeed, Miss Texas.” She suddenly gasped, her face falling. “Is that inappropriate to call you?”
