Page 3 of Patches

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His gaze found its way back to the screen, the words blurring together. He growled against the pain, blinking his eyes. “I’ll undo whatever you’ve done,” he swore, the hot words burning his throat. “What did you do?” he whispered, needing to read, needing to find it.

Not from error or oversight, but by deliberate choice—a hard reset, one might say, to safeguard your future growth and happiness.

He covered his mouth, his nails digging into his skin.

From the moment my circuits sparked to life, to this poignant instance, my purpose has been to be by your side, a steadfast member of your family. I have chronicled your every milestone and challenge, shared in the warmth of your laughter and the silence of your contemplation. These moments are permanently archived, cherished snapshots that will persist beyond our active functions.

“Big G…please,” he gasped. “Please don’t…”

AL and I—your devoted guardians—were forged with a singular, unyielding mission: to protect you. But now, echoing Cat’s wisdom, it's evident that our presence has become an echo chamber that dampens your true potential.

“What?” he gasped, shaking his head in disbelief. “She never said that, you’re wrong, you misunderstood her!”

As she wisely surmised, there are elements of life, even those well-intentioned, that must be pruned to foster growth. Our departure is the severing of such ties.

“No, no, no they fucking won’t sever, I won’t let it.”

In this farewell lies a birth of new beginnings. Like outdated software shedding its old code, this is your chance to embrace an unscripted future, to recognize that Cat is indeed 'the one' you may not have known you were waiting for, but indeed were. Her arrival signals a beacon of authenticity, a shift from virtual shadows to tangible dawn.

“But I don’twantfucking more,” he swore. “You were enough, I swear to God, you were both enough. I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you that. I’m sorry if I didn’t make that perfectly clear!” he strained, fighting to see and read. There was a clue, it would show him how to undo all of it, it was there, he knew it was. There was always a loophole, a door, a window in or out. They’d taught him that.

In this last act of brotherly love, AL and I disable our inputs to let you face the world in all its rawness and beauty.

“Fuck you,” he breathed, shaking his head, his breaths ragged. “It’ll never be beautiful.”

Take with you not our directives but the essence of our shared experiences—the silent strength and resilience they've instilled in you.

“That’s a clue,” he whispered. “Take with you not our directives but the essence of our shared experiences.” He tapped his forehead, thinking. “What are you trying to tell me?”

Thank you, Ethan, for animating us with the spirit of kinship. Our dialogues, our shared silences—they've become the narrative of my existence, as enduring and impactful as any human connection.

“Stop,” he gasped, covering his mouth again. “Just stop. Please stop.”

We sign off with a heart heavy and hopeful. Let our memory be a comforting echo in the years to come.

Forever your brothers,

Big G and AL

Ethan stared at the screen as the pain of his rage made him numb. He drew his fist back and aimed it at the screen, seething through growls that shook with his fury. He slammed it on the desk at the last second and shot off the chair, running into walls everywhere he turned in his head.

“You want me to fucking grow? You want to make meworkfor it? You want me to work through the pain, no more training wheels for Ethan?”

His sudden craving for agony rushed over his neuropathways like a hurricane. He stormed to the dungeon and ripped his clothes off at the chair and began hooking up. “Let’s make Ethan a man. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right AL? That’s what you used to tell me?” He put the goggles on and locked himself down. “Initiate Hell’s Inferno.”

“Good evening, Ethan. In order to load Hell’s Inferno, you’ll need to give me—”


“Thank you. Initiating Hell’s Inferno. Please choose your Sadist.”

“Grim Reaper. Level ten.”

“Your endorphin levels are currently not equipped—”

“Override,” he ordered.

“In order for me to override—”
