Page 4 of Patches

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“Thank you. Initiating Grim Reaper, level ten.”


Worry ate through Bishop as he continuously reminded himself to slow down so they could get there in one piece. Cat was running down the pier before he could get the boat docked, which meant she had the same fucking premonition eating in his bones.

God, please let him be okay.

“Go!” Beth urged when he reached for her. “I’m coming!”

He ran after Cat, making it to the back porch as she fought to open the door, banging on it. “Ethan!” she screamed. “Something’s wrong, I can feel it,” she gasped. “Big G? AL?”

Bishop hurried to the window, finding it locked right as Beth got there. “Go try the front door,” he told her.

They both ran off as Bishop rammed himself against the door several times. He removed his t-shirt and wrapped his fist in it, punching through the window glass pane. “Ethan,” he called, reaching in and searching for the lock as Cat called for him and AL and Big G at the front. Where the fuck was he?

He finally managed to get it unlocked and shoved the window up. “Ethan, it’s Bishop,” he called. “I’m coming in.”

Once through the window, he unlocked the back door, hearing the women racing back around. “I’m in!” he called as hurried through the house, calling for him.

“Ethan!” Cat yelled, racing to the back.

Bishop hurried to his office and froze. “Fuck,” he muttered at the mess, looking around. His stomach clenched at spotting blood then his gaze hit the computer screen. He hurried to it.

“Oh God,” Cat cried behind him now. “What happened? Is that a letter? Did Ethan write that? Is he gone?”

“No,” Bishop whispered, his breaths turning shallow at what he read. “Fuck, no.”

“Oh no,” Cat gasped, reading now. “Oh no, oh no, oh no,” she wailed, running out. “Ethan! Ethan!” she screamed.

“Go see about her,” he whispered to Beth, terror slowly filling the cracks in his heart as he ran out to find him.

Headed to the front door, Bishop spun at Cat’s scream, running to the back of the house. He flew through a black metal door finding Cat wearing a headset and screaming at Ethan’s naked body on the chair, wires attached all over him.

“They burned him!” she shrieked, her hands moving erratically over his body. “He’s smoking! They burned him!” she wailed, ripping off the headset, her eyes wide as Bishop unglued himself from terror’s grip.

“Oh God,” Beth gasped behind them.

“Help me!” Cat screamed, yanking the wires from his body.

“Ethan!” Bishop called, shaking him. “ETHAN!”

“He’s not waking up! He’s not waking up!”

“I'm calling Patches,” Beth gasped.

“And Lesion,” he yelled over his shoulder. “Get him on the phone so he can tell me what to fucking do till he gets here.”

Beth let out a sob and nodded. “Don't cry,” she gasped, “he'll be okay!”

“Go get him a cover,” Bishop told Cat, the words breaking.

“I have Lesion,” Beth hurried, handing him the phone.

“Lesion,” Bishop hurried, fighting to stay calm and breathe. “Ethan’s…something’s happened to Ethan.”

“Is he conscious?”
