Page 53 of Patches

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“Yes,” he said without thought with his back to her. “But… you can.”

“I don’t mind being naked if you want.”

“I’ll always want you naked.”

She sat at one of the chairs next to the small table, watching him. “I like you naked too. You’re breathtaking.”

The sound of the coffee machine gurgled, followed by the muffled splatter of liquid filling the cup. “Being so openly lusted after is new for me.” He turned with two cups and walked toward the door.

While cock-gazing, she realized he waited for her to open it and hurried to do that. “Sorry, distracted.”

She bit her lip at the very small smile on his mouth, praying she could bring more of those.

Once on the porch and seated, he scooted his butt to the edge of his chair and reclined with his body facing the morning sun, one leg stretched out, the other draped open, both hands clasped behind his head. She stared at him, a sleeping male beauty, his wavy dark hair begging for her fingers. She eyed his thick cock in the crook of his leg next. That beauty begged for everything from her.

She scooted her chair, wanting to be much closer, stroking her hand over his chest.

“What did you see?” he asked.

She drew her hand away and sipped her coffee. “What do you mean? When?” she asked, her stomach knotting.

“Who found me?”

“I did and Bishop.” She left off Beth, thinking it wasn’t necessary.

“So just you and Bishop were here?”

Hearing how that sounded she said, “No, Beth was here too but she didn’t really see anything.”

“What didyousee?”

Geeze, already. She knew they’d have to talk about it eventually. “I saw what you did in the virtual room. I found you,” she whispered, swallowing down the memory.

“And Bishop?”

She nodded. “H-he saw, yes. I panicked, I was terrified I thought…I thought you’d died.”

He turned and looked at her, staring as she fought to get control.

“What?” she gasped. “What are you thinking of me?”

“I’m actually thinking about me. Who I am. What I like. What I crave.” He looked before him again. “What about Lesion? And Patches? I know they were here.”

She nodded. “They came after.”

“What do they know?”

“They had to look and see…so they could understand what happened. I wasn’t sure, I’m…I’m sorry, I know how private this all was, I panicked,” she gasped.

He reached and pulled her hand to him, kissing it. “I’m not worried about that.”

She pressed her fingers against his lips. “What’s wrong then?”

“I’m more… concerned about what happened to me.”

She wasn’t following. “What do you mean exactly?”

“I mean…It was a reckless thing I did. And I didn’t care.”
