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Now Sandra looking guilty, staring down at her toes while holding onto one of her arms. “I’m sorry, Brody. You know I like Ana, but I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Maybe I should leave…” I say, pointing my way to exit stage left.

“No, stay,” Sandra pleads, “You’re involved in this too.” She turns to Brody, dead serious, a preachy finger raised his way, “Brody, I really care about Lily. More than a client, she’s one of my best friends and I love her. You’re a great guy, but whatever you do, please don’t hurt her feelings. And I promise, I’ll try to be less of a shrew.”

Brody now looks at me, but I look at Sandra. We’re exchanging smiles, hers measured and heartfelt, mine big and stupid because it’s the first time she said she loves me.

“Now I’ll leave,” she continues, “Get ready for the hazing, Lily. The band is in upheaval to know you’re pregnant!”

“Dang it! I’m not even sure yet!” I punch the air in mild anger. Truth be told, I love my band way too much to get angry with them.

Sandra waves us goodbye and leaves Brody and I alone on the stage. He squeezes my hand and kisses my forehead.

“I need to go too,” he says, still holding my hand. “There’s already someone here to take you home.”

“Is it Fryars?” I ask, displeased.

“No,” he smiles. “Fryars is waiting for you at home.”

My shoulders slump, but I seductively run a finger against his chest and try to remediate the situation. “You could come instead…”

Brody snickers, lowering down my finger. “I can’t,” he says, “too many big decisions to make. Now can I go?”

I nod, give him a peck on the lips and let go of his hand. He hesitates a little before leaving, and I’m left alone on the stage once again.

Not for long, though.

The boys come storming on the stage, and I find myself bracing for a tsunami. I get kisses, hair ruffles, my belly rubbed, all in the space of a few seconds.

“Alright,enough!” I yell. “You’ll break me apart!”

But Adrian keeps his arm around my shoulders and kisses me on the temple numerous times. “Can my girlfriend and I be the kid’s godparents?” he asks, daring me to take him seriously.

“I’m not even sure I’m pregnant!” I elbow him in the ribs; he bends over forward in pain but doesn’t stop laughing.

Chapter Fourteen


I’mthesecondoneto arrive at the office the next day, preceded only by Nena, the receptionist who’s been working with us since the beginning over six years ago back before my company took off.

“Good morning, boss,” she says, serious as usual.

“Good morning,” I say, my fatigue showing.

“Trouble sleeping?” she says from behind her desk, her dark eyes peaking over the computer monitor.

“No, I slept pretty well,” I say and, for the millionth time since yesterday, my phone rings. I sigh before answering. “Hello?”

“Hello, Mr. Garrison?” A genial voice asks on the other side.

“Listen, I decline to make any comment on Lily Rockwell’s pregnancy, okay?” and I hang up. “This is happening non-stop since yesterday.”

“Hum.” Nena mutters. “What happened yesterday?”

I lay a hand over the counter, and sigh again so audibly that Nena removes her attention from the computer and looks at me.

“A lot happened yesterday, Nena,” I shake my head. “A lot.”
