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Her schedule as an accountant gets hectic during her second busy season, which is attributed to business clients who applied for six-month extensions on their taxes. Because of said busy schedule, I haven’t been able to fully digest the Will scenario with her.

Here we are, on a Sunday, meeting for coffee before I head to the supermarket. Who said your thirties aren’t glamorous?

“It was embarrassing, so I chose not to divulge. Then, he showed up for lunch the next day, and honestly, I just want to forget all of it.”

“Apple crisp, oat milk macchiato,” the barista calls out, and I take a step forward to grab the drink and leave a tip in the mason jar on the counter.

“You still gave her a proposal for her wedding.” Tara leans into me, still trying to comprehend my recent drama.

“I’m a professional.”

“Iced, shaken brown sugar espresso.” Tara’s order is called out, so she grabs it and turns away from the counter, still not done with our conversation.

“You should have told her the fiancé was a cheating man-whore!” Tara explains.

A fellow patron gives Tara a cautious look, clearly frightened of my friend with the mop of dark curls, who is chanting about infidelity in a coffee shop. Tara doesn’t seem to notice.

“We should cut his balls off. Better yet, make Wanted posters and put them on every corner in Valor County.” Her hands spread out like she’s showcasing a marquee. “Wanted: creepy philanderer who follows innocent women into parking lots and shoves his tongue down their throats!”

“Yeah, well, that’s not at all how it happened. In this case,Iwould be the creep who shoved her tongue inhismouth. I’m still having a bit of an internal war in my head regarding the whole thing.”

The entire situation has really messed with my emotions. As if I didn’t have a zillion things going on in my life with Tyler, the kids, Dad, the business, being infatuated with a man who is …was… engaged and the drama that comes along with it is not something I am mentally prepared to deal with.

“You’re probably better off. Bad enough that your ex-husband is a complete dipshit. You don’t need another undeserving asshat in your life.”

“Tell me how you really feel.”

She pushes her tendrils from her face and smiles. “Everyone needs a friend like me in their life.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

Women have a superpower. They can build each other up and knock another down with a single comment. I’ve been blessed with an incredible group of women by my side. When Tyler and I started having marital problems, Tara was always available to listen to my tales of woe. She never rolled her eyes or told me I should just be lucky to have a husband and children, as other single women might say. She always encouraged me to expect more from my relationship because I deserved it. When I chose to fight for my marriage, she never looked down on me or said I was a fool. I’ve had her full support, no matter what.

This is why I can confide in her about everything. I hope she feels the same way.

“Any updates on Kent?” I ask when we walk outside.

“Three dates in. I’d say it’s going in the right direction. He’s kind of prudish though. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.”

“Given your track record, I’d say slow is a good thing. Enjoy thegetting to know youstage. Try not to overthink it.”

“Great advice from the queen of overthinking. Have you gone out at all in the last two weekends? I know this cop messed with your head, but don’t let him get you down. Not all men are cheaters.”

I scoff. “Leave it to me to have only kissed two men in my life, and they both put their lips on someone other than their betrothed.”

“Look at it as a win. At least you know you’re ready to get back out there.”

With a groan, I take a sip of my drink and head toward her car, which is parked closer than mine.

While Tara heads off to go do whatever it is single ladies do on a Sunday, I’m off to do the most exciting thing there is for a divorced mother of two to do on a weekend—grocery shop. It might seem like sarcasm, but grocery shopping without a husband to itemize your grocery list is a godsend.

Sugary snacks for the kids?Into the cart!

Honeycrisp apples that are double the price of Empire apples?Let’s do this.

Life’s too short to have someone always questioning why you’re getting what you’re buying. And I am living my best life in aisle four.

Family-size jar of Nutella?Yes, please.

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