Page 40 of My Bully's Love

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He smiles, “That’s very doable. When are you wanting to grab them?”

“No time like the present, brother!” I clap my hands, “They are all at the same location at the moment. If we hurry, we can get all four tonight.”

Jude rubs his chin, “That may be a little tricky, especially if they put up a fight.”

“Well, luckily, I happen to know how to get in and out of the house they are at, and the property is secluded.” I reach into my jeep and grab my phone, checking again to see if the four of them are still at Brandon’s. I write his address down on a piece of paper and hand it to Jude.

He glances at the paper and then back at me, “You say it’s secluded?”

“Yep, Brandon’s dad doesn’t like having neighbors, so their closest one is a mile away.” I can see the wheels turning in Jude’s head.

“That makes this ten times easier. We don’t have to remove them from the property, just take them outside,” Jude scratches at the five o’clock shadow sprinkled across his jaw, “Give me thirty minutes. I have to grab a couple things from home and then I will meet you there.

“Let’s go have us some fun!” I slap him on the back before we go our separate ways.

Since the driveway is long and lined with trees, Jude and I turn off our lights and park about halfway up, under some low hanging branches, where our vehicles won’t be seen if someone stops by. Hopefully, if they are doing what I think they are doing, knowing who they are and Kaylee is involved, I’m sure Brandon didn’t plan on inviting anybody else.

There are only two cars in the driveway, Brandon’s and Toby’s, but that doesn’t mean anything; the app is still saying that all four are here. Jude follows me as I creep silently around to the back of the house, where there is a door that takes you down into the cellar. I reach under the decorative gnome that sits beside it, and grab the key that unlocks the door. Jude drops a few things that we may need later and then follows me down the stairs.

Getting into the house is easy, they haven’t the slightest clue that their night is about to get fucked up. Making our way through the first floor, we hear movement and muffled voices coming from upstairs. Jude hands me a hand gun, and my eyes bulge out at him. He rolls his eyes at me and then shows me that they are each loaded with five darts. He signals that the dart will put them out for about a half hour, plenty of time for us to drag them to the back yard. Would have been nice for him to have told me about these before coming into the house, I chuckle to myself. I’m not one to handle guns, but I used to kick Ella’s ass all the time in Duck Hunt when we were kids. Hopefully my aim is still okay.

As we climb the stairs, quietly, I make sure to skip the two steps that creak when stepped on. The moans coming from Brandon’s room isn’t surprising to me, but when I glance back at Jude, indicating that there are four of them in there, he grins. By the look on his face, I know he is going to have plenty of fun with this situation.

“Oh yeah, fuck her just like that!” Brandon’s voice comes through the door.

“Come on, Kaylee, I know you can take the whole thing down that trap of yours…” Mason’s voice is a little more muffled, but then there is another muffled sound, which I’m assuming is Kaylee with a dick in her mouth.

That only leaves Toby, but then we hear him ordering Brandon, “Damn it, B, stick it in her ass already, will you!”

I’ve always known that Kaylee was a little slut, but I never took her as one that would do multiple guys. No wonder she has them wrapped around her finger. This was most likely all her idea because I told her that Ella was with me now. She’s been trying to get a piece of me for years and to lose to someone that no longer had any friends, must have crushed her ego immensely.

Damn, I really don’t want to burst into that scene, but I guess I really don’t have a choice at the moment. Jude and I pull down our face masks, and each stand on either side of the door. I let Jude do the counting, and when he sticks up his third finger, we burst through the door, surprising all four them.

“What the fuck…” I shoot a dart at Toby first, hitting him in the upper arm, and cutting off his words.

I next aim for Kaylee, while Jude takes out Mason and Brandon. It only takes seconds for them to pass out. Jude and I fist bump each other and then move in closer. Unfortunately, Mason is the only one that had a chance to pull out before being knocked out. The other three are still attached, and we are now having to pull them apart ourselves.

“Uh, how about you pull Brandon out of Kaylee, and then I’ll pull her off Toby.” I try instructing Jude. Yeah, that sounds pretty good to me.

He holds his hands up, “Fuck that, you said nothing about me pulling some guy out of a chick’s ass!”

“Oh, come on, you’re more experienced in this shit than I am!” I plead with him, but in the end it doesn’t matter.

“Nope. You can pull them apart, and I’ll drag them downstairs.” Jude stands with his arms crossed and his feet apart, “This is your mission, Lil’ D, it won’t hurt to get your hands dirty. No pun intended.” He smirks at me.

I flip him off and then examine the situation, so I can figure out the best way to go about doing this. Brandon’s feet are on the floor, and his body is draped over Kaylee’s back, as she lays chest to chest with Toby. I realize that I’m going to have to stand behind Brandon and pull him upward, chancing his bare ass touching my crotch area. My stomach turns at the thought, but I just take a deep breath and blow it out, before leaning over and grabbing him under his arms from the back.

Everything goes okay until I step back, taking him with me, and there’s a slight pop when his dick breaks free from her asshole. I almost drop him when I start gagging from the sound. Jude stands behind me, laughing his ass off as he watches. Once I have Brandon laying on the floor, I place my hands on my knees and take a few deep breaths. I turn my head and glare at Jude as he continues to laugh, only causing him to laugh harder.

I roll my eyes and then move toward Kaylee. This should be a lot easier than pulling a dick out of an asshole. Only, when I go and pull her off, the nastiest wet suction sound accompanies it, and I really do drop her on the floor as I start gagging once more. Jude’s face is beet red, and he’s trying to take in much-needed air as he laughs so hard.

Getting control of my stomach, I stand with my hands on my hips, waiting for Jude to get over his laughing fit, “Seriously? We have like twenty minutes before these fuckers wake up, and we still need to carry them downstairs!”

“Sorry, man,” he stands, holding his gut as he tries to calm himself, “That was some fucked up funny shit, though!”

“Fuck you, Jude!” I pull the blanket from the bed and throw it on Kaylee, “Now you get to take the guys down while I carry loosey goosey here, down!” I wrap her naked form in the blanket and pick her up bridal-style as Jude starts laughing all over again.

Once we have them all in the back yard, I help Jude tie each of the guys to a tree and then we tie Kaylee to a chair facing them. The plan is for me to go back to the hospital and spend some time with Ella while Jude takes care of his business. He will call me if he has any trouble, but otherwise, he says he will be fine. I try giving him cash before I leave, but he refuses to take it, claiming that it is all in good fun and that he will call when he needs a favor.
