Page 41 of My Bully's Love

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When I get to the hospital, Ella is awake, and her parents give us a little bit of time together. As soon as they leave the room, I swoop down and bury my face in her neck, “I’m so glad you’re okay.” I take in her scent, but it isn’t her usual scent. All I smell is generic soap and antiseptic, so I pull away and sit on the edge of the bed. I study her beaten up face that makes me want to cringe, but I smile instead, “Hey pretty girl, how are you holding up?”

Her eyes are glossy-looking, telling me that she’s holding her tears back. Taking her hand, I bring it to my lips as I wait for her to say something. Her lip begins to tremble the longer she stares at me, and a tear finally slips down her cheek.

“Shh, don’t cry, baby. You are so strong…do you know that? I’m so proud of the way you handled everything.” I wipe the tear from her face and place a gentle kiss on her lips, “Have you talked to the cops yet?”

She shakes her head no, “They are coming back tomorrow morning for my statement.”

That’s good news on my part. This way, they won’t interrupt Jude while he takes care of things, giving Ella the justice she deserves, “That’s good,” I smile, “Tell them the truth, don’t leave anything out, okay.”

“What if they ask about you?” she asks.

“What about me? Why would they ask about me?” I furrow my brows.

“Well, because they are your friends…”

“EX friends.” I cut her off.

“Okay, ex friends, but they did what they did because of you, Jace.” Her tone is firm, and yet, a bit shaky.

After staring at her for a moment, I nod, agreeing with what she’s saying, “Don’t worry about me. You just say what you have to say, and I will be okay. This is about you, Ella. You deserve to see your attackers get what’s coming to them.”

“Okay,” she closes her eyes, and I think she’s going to sleep, but then she speaks again, “Thank you for helping me, Jace. I didn’t know who else to call.”

I look at her, a little shocked, “Don’t ever thank me for being there for you, Ella. I plan on being here for you for a very long time.”

A shadow crosses her face that I would have missed had I not been staring right at her, but she remains quiet. I don’t question her at all, but I’m getting a strange vibe from her, not that she doesn’t have enough reasons to act the way she is, I’ve given her plenty. She tries to pull her hand away, but I tighten my grip on it until she stops trying.

“What do your parents know?” I want her to keep talking to me because I know she wants to shut down.

“I told them that I didn’t want to talk about it and that we would talk in the morning.”

I nod, “Do you want me to be here when you talk to them?”

“I think,” she pauses, “I think it would be best if you don’t come back.” I stiffen at her words, and she quickly continues, “Only because I need time to think. So much has happened lately that I’m getting whiplash.”

I don’t buy her excuse at all, but I can’t do anything until she’s better, and you better believe that this conversation isn’t over. I stand up to go, but first I lean over, taking her face in my hands, and pressing my lips to hers for a moment. When I pull away, I gaze into her eyes, “I will give you time, but know this, I will always come back for you, Ella. You can’t keep me away, and you know that. I make you feel things that you wouldn’t feel with anybody else, we have always been meant for each other.”

The room is so quiet that you can hear the drip from her IV. Her hand comes up and she rests it on my wrist, “Jace, I developed a crush on you when I was sixteen, and I won’t deny that you wake things inside of me, but that doesn’t erase all the pain and hurt that you caused me for the past two years; it doesn’t erase the fact that your friends are now attacking me because of you.”

I can feel the tick in my jaw as I listen to what she says, because it’s all true, but that doesn’t mean that I accept it. I will give her time, but I will never give her up. I caress her cheek, and then turn and walk away without saying another word.

After a night of tossing and turning, I wake up and call Jude. I make plans to meet with him in an hour, so I drag myself out of bed and jump into the shower. I think about the things that Ella said to me last night, going over them again and again. Maybe I’ll ask Jude for his advice because I don’t want to fuck things up even more. As much as I want to dominate her, losing her would be devastating.

Pulling up in front of Jude’s townhouse, I look at the time and wonder if Ella has talked to the police yet. It’s only nine thirty in the morning, but the police don’t care about how early it is when there is questioning to be done. I have an hour before I need to be in my first class, but I don’t even want to go back to that hellhole if Ella isn’t going to be there anymore.

Jude greets me at the door with a huge grin on his face. Stepping aside so I can enter, I walk past him and wait for him to close the door. He brings me into the living room, where I notice Beth, his sub, right away. She’s kneeling on the floor by the spot he always sits at when he’s in this room. Jude and Beth live the lifestyle twenty-four-seven, which is my preference as well, only I don’t want Ella kneeling on the floor and walking around naked all the time like Beth does.

“Master Jace is here, Beth,” Jude mentions me to her because she isn’t allowed to look at me without his permission; they are that hardcore.

Beth looks up and smiles, “Good morning, Master Jace. It’s so nice to see you again.”

I grin and walk over to her, glancing at Jude for his permission. He nods and I caress the top of her head, “Good morning, Beth, it’s always a pleasure to see you too.” She goes back to drinking her morning coffee while Jude walks me to his office.

“Well, somebody seems to be in a good mood this morning!” I chuckle.

“My sub is always in a good mood when I allow her to come all over my cock.” He fucking winks at me.

“I wasn’t talking about Beth, douche bag!” There’s a pen on the desk, so I pick it up and throw it at him, “I’m talking about you! I take it all went well last night?”
