Page 42 of My Bully's Love

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“Pfft, please, of course it did! Look who you’re talking to!” Jude walks around his desk and rummages through his top drawer. Pulling out a manilla envelope, he hands it to me.

I pull out the contents and see that there’s a handful of polaroid photos. My smile grows bigger and bigger the more I flip through them. I look at Jude’s hands, “How the fuck are you able to do this kind of work and not have a mark on you?”

He shrugs, “It’s why I’m the best.”

I have to admit that Jude did a bang up job on all three guys, “I wouldn’t have thought that you would hit a female.”

“I didn’t, I told those fuckers that I wouldn’t kill them if they fucked her up. It’s on their conscience, not mine.” He takes the photos from me and throws them into the fireplace before lighting it, “I did leave the guys with a little parting gift though. I gave them some good pills and told them that they could finish what we had interrupted. That poor girl was being railed by all three as she laid there all beat up and swollen by those same hands.”

“That slut deserved it after everything she’s done. Although, she probably enjoyed it regardless on having been beaten up.” I don’t have an ounce of regret; you don’t touch what’s mine.

I thank Jude again and make plans to meet later to talk about my issue with Ella. Now that the first issue has been taken care of, we can move forward and work on how Ella is going to learn to submit to me. She may think this is the end of us, but she needs to think again, because this is only the beginning.

Chapter 19


Morning came way too fast for my liking. After a night of being woken up, countless times, just so the nurses could get my vitals, my eyes feel like sandpaper. I thought being in the hospital, people would sympathize with you, and let you sleep in, but no; it’s the complete opposite. They tell you to rest, but they don’t allow you to when they are constantly in and out of your room.

It’s seven thirty in the morning, and another nurse is back in my room, “Good morning, Ella! My name is Joan, and I’ll be your nurse for this shift.” Her smile is warm and genuine, but I don’t care at this point. To me, she’s the devil’s spawn!

“It isn’t good unless I can sleep in, and we can both see that isn’t happening,” I grunt and then shove my face down, and into the soft pillow.

Nurse Joan has the audacity to chuckle, as though I was making some kind of joke, “Someone isn’t a morning person,” I hear her moving around my room, making all kinds of noise, “Don’t mind me, dear, I’ll be in and out in no time at all. You can just lay there while I work.”

Yeah right! I roll to my back slowly and open my tired eyes, lifting my hand so she can place the pulse oximeter on my finger. There’s no way I’m going to get back to sleep now, so I might as well start my day. Hope everybody has fun dealing with Ella cranky pants today. It’s bad enough that I feel as though I’ve been ran over by one of those big concrete roller trucks that you see when the city paves the streets. Now I have to deal with being soreandtired!

“All your vitals are in perfect range, that’s what I like to see,” she says cheerfully, “Are you ready to order some breakfast?”

I’ve heard horror stories about hospital food and I really don’t want to be the one to see how much truth there is to it, “Uh, if it’s okay, I’d like to have my parents bring me something when they come this morning.”

She looks at my chart, “I don’t see what it will hurt, it has nothing in your chart saying you’re on a restricted diet,” she gives me another one of her warm smiles, “Just let me know if you change your mind and I’ll bring you in a menu.”

“Okay, thank you, Joan.” It’s hard to remain angry at the little spawn when she smiles at me like that. She’s an older lady, so I’m sure she has grandkids because that’s the vibe that I get from her.

Glancing around my room, I let out a sigh of relief when I see that my parents left my phone on the table beside my bed, on the charger and all. I reach over, forgetting that the doctor told me that I have two broken ribs. Damn Kaylee for kicking me so hard; I really hope karma finds her! I pick up my phone and speed dial my mom.

“Good morning, sweet girl!” My mom says as soon as she answers, “We are just about to leave the house. The kids need to be dropped off at school first and then we will be right over. How are you feeling this morning?”

“Like a truck ran me over and then backed up just to do it again and again.” I answer.

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry you’re hurting so much! I wish I could take the pain away!” I can hear her voice crack, so I change the subject before I have her in tears, “I’ll heal and will be fine in no time, but hey, I was wondering if you could bring me some breakfast when you come. I’m really not excited about hospital food,” I cringe, “I shouldn’t have to suffer any more than I already am.”

I get my mom to giggle, making me feel so much better, “Of course, sweetie! Are you wanting anything special?”

“Actually, I slept like crap last night, so if you can stop at the coffee shop and grab a tall white mocha with an extra shot of caffeine, that would be great! They also have these really good breakfast sandwiches, the ham, cheese, and bacon croissant ones are my favorite.”

“Okay, baby. We will be there soon.” She says before ending the call.

I lay back and close my eyes, hoping I can get a little nap in before they get here. Unfortunately, my mind has other plans as it wanders to a certain green-eye boy. The things he said last night about how he will always come back for me. It’s sweet, and yet, a little creepy, as if he means to stalk me no matter what. I’m not sure how I would feel about that, but I do know that he was right about how he’s the only one that can make me feel the way I do when he takes control. I have to give him one thing, He’s going to make a good Dom one day, I just don’t know if he will be mine. The thought excites me, but scares me at the same time because I’ve read about those kind of relationships, but I don’t think living it outside of the bedroom is for me.

I sigh, “Why did you have to change, Jace?” I say out loud to myself, but who am I kidding, really? I didn’t start crushing on him until he started bullying me. I’m pretty sure it was the dominance that he had over me, that stirred my feelings for him. I just don’t think I’m ready to explore that side of me just yet. I want to concentrate on my education first, and then, if he still wants to try, then maybe I can give him a chance, but he still has to prove himself to me.

A knock at my door startles me and my head whips to the doorway. A police man and policewoman stand there waiting for me to allow them to enter. I give them a small smile and wave them in. I need to get this over with and I’m glad they are here before my parents, because there are certain aspects of the attack that I don’t want my mom and dad to know about. I’m their little girl and no parent wants to hear that their daughter had been sexually assaulted.

The male has a stern look on his face while the female gives me a sympathetic smile. I’m sure they sent the female to try and make it easier on me, but it doesn’t matter because my throat is already tightening up knowing that it’s going to have to retell my story. To make it even more uncomfortable, neither one sit down, so they stand over me with a notepad in hand, waiting for me to start.

“I’m guessing I should start, huh?” I snicker nervously.
