Page 63 of My Bully's Love

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“That’s great!” He leans in, “You won’t be just helping, you will actually get paid.” He chuckles and leaves me alone with Riku and the sub.

It isn’t the first time I’ve been around couples fucking, I’m actually a bit of a voyeur and enjoy watching them sometimes, but now isn’t one of those times. I go about straightening out the room and putting things away. I grab a water bottle and a few snacks from the cupboard for when aftercare needs to be administered.

“Hey Riku, you going to stay for the aftercare, or you want me to take care of it?” As usual, he agrees to do it since he’s the one getting his dick wet. I walk over and give him a fist bump as he continues thrusting into her. I then move and bend down to look into the sub’s eyes, and it looks like she’s in the right head space at this time, “How are you doing?” I ask to make sure she’s still responsive.

“I’m good Master Jace. Master Riku always knows how to take care of me, thank you.” She smiles.

“Okay, I will leave you in his capable hands, then. Thank you for being my sub, you were a very good girl for me.” I run my hand through her hair as I praise her.

“You’re very welcome, Master Jace.”

I leave the building in a weird mood. I’m honored that they asked me to be a trainer, and I should be celebrating, but the only one that I would want to celebrate with isn’t here with me. Hopping in my jeep, I check my phone right away; it’s what I do every time I’ve been away from it for too long. It doesn’t matter, though, because my mother is the only one that called. No missed calls, and no texts. I wonder where Ella’s head is at right now. She’s a smart girl, and that is why I’m not giving up, because I know she’s going to want to analyze everything before making a decision. It can actually go either way, it just depends on how much Ella is wanting to explore, and whether or not her new life has any influence over her decision.

Chapter 27

A Call from Dad

Time flies when you’re keeping busy. I’ve been in New Haven for almost two months now, and aside from my family, I haven’t been in touch with anybody from my old life. Amy and Bree have both tried calling, but I’m still not ready to go there just yet. As for Jace, maybe it’s best if I continue to have no contact with him. I don’t want to hurt him, but I can’t give him the answer that he wants to hear, not yet anyway.

I miss him every single day, but he’s kept his word and has not contacted at all. Although, he has asked my mom about me, wanting to make sure that I’m still doing good. According to Elise, Jace has gotten into two separate fights with other guys at school who have been trying to get with my sister. She told me that she doesn’t even talk to Jace, so she doesn’t know how he is finding out about these guys.

I get an ache in my chest whenever they bring his name up, but I want to know what he’s been up to as well. Maybe I’m doing it the coward’s way, but at least I’m not being hot and cold with him. It wasn’t until this morning that I really started to think about the Ella and Jace topic, and it is only because my dad had called me to let me know that the court date has been moved up to two weeks from today. I had originally been told that it would be the end of April, but now I only have two weeks to prepare myself to not only see my four classmates and attackers, but I’m going to have to face Jace.

“Ella, you have a customer.” My co-worker, Becky calls out to me while she has her hands elbow-deep in soapy sink water. I’m just standing here with a wet rag in my hand, spacing off, so I quickly toss the rag on the counter and hurry over to the customer.

“Hey Ella! I was hoping you were working.” Gabe greets me with a smile.

I return his smile, “Hey, Gabe. What brings you to this side of town?”

“Ella, it’s like three blocks from our apartment,” he chuckles, “and I’m craving a frozen mocha with whipped cream and drizzle on top.” He gives me the cheesiest smile ever.

Shaking my head, I grin, “Let me guess, you want it large, and with a shot of energy?”

“Look at that, you already know what I like!” He places his hand on his chest as if he’s endeared to the knowledge of me knowing how he likes his coffee.

“Knock it off Gabe, you come in and order every time I work,” I giggle, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were stalking me!” I muse.

He shrugs, “You call it stalking, and I call it knowing when my friend works so I can come in and harass her.” He winks.

“That you do! Don’t you have anything better to do?” I laugh as I start his drink order.

“Not really, Reece is on a cleaning spree and driving me crazy. I have a paper that is due by the end of the week and I can’t concentrate on it when she blares her music while cleaning.” He holds his laptop bag up to show me that he’s here to work.

Both Reece and Gabe go to the State University here in New Haven, and they are always trying to get me to change colleges. I find nothing wrong with the State College, but when you have a full ride to Yale, why would you switch? Yale will look much better on my resume than a State College, but I would never say this to my friends. I don’t want to hurt any feelings, but this is my life, and I’m going to do what it takes to have a bright future.

I hand Gabe his drink as he hands me hi debit card to swipe, “So, what’s the paper about?”

He rolls his eyes, “It’s for my Human Growth and Development class. I’m doing a paper on the individual development of emotions and desires, and what the effects are.”

“Wow, okay then. I would love to read it before you turn it in, if you don’t mind.” As soon as he said desires, it piqued my interest. I would like to see his findings on the human desires to see if it helps me to understand my own better.

“That would be great, Ella. Thank you for offering to proof read my work before turning it in.” He grins.

“Well, I wouldn’t have called it proof reading, exactly. It just seems like an interesting topic, is all.” I hand him his receipt.

Gabe glances around before leaning in, placing his elbows on top of the counter, “Are you wanting to know the emotional part, or are you wanting to know more about the desire part?”

His gaze is intense as he stares at me, waiting for an answer to his question.
