Page 65 of My Bully's Love

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“Oh yeah, I’m sorry to be calling you this late, sweetie.” He sounds contrite.

“Oh my God, no, it’s fine. I was just getting out of the shower, but I just talked to you this morning and I thought maybe there was an accident or something.” My heart beat finally starts to feel normal again.

“I’m sorry, kiddo. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckles, “I just needed to call you back because I received word that the Defense is requesting probation for all four of them. I wanted you to be prepared, honey.”

“What do you mean probation? Like, they won’t serve any time for what they did to me?” I ask unbelievably.

“That’s exactly what it means, but don’t worry, I will do my best to get them prosecuted. I won’t let anybody hurt my baby and think they can get away with it!” Anger laces my father’s voice.

“Okay, but what if the judge rules in their favor…what then?” I don’t want to believe that any judge would be fine with just slapping their hands and sending them on their merry way, but judges can be corrupt too.

“If, and that’s a big if, that happens, we will make sure they have a restraining order slapped on top of that. They will not be able to come near you, legally anyway.”

“Yeah, like that will stop them. They already broke the law by assaulting me, a little court order like that won’t keep them away.” I mumble.

“Hey, sweetie, think positive thoughts, okay. Soon this will be all over and you can get back to living your life again,” He pauses briefly, “At least we will be together again real soon. I’ve missed my baby girl.”

I can’t help but smile, “You’re right, dad. I’m sorry for being a Debbie Downer. I’ve missed all of you, too!”

“It’s perfectly understandable, Ella, but I don’t want you worrying your pretty little head about this. All we can do is hope that Justice is served.”

“Okay, dad,” A thought comes to me, “Have you informed Jace of the new court date?” I ask.

I can hear a smile in his voice, “Of course, I did. He then asked me what day you were flying back.”

“He did?” A thrill runs through me knowing that he asked about me, “So, what day do I fly out? Were you able to book me a flight?”

“Yes, your mom was going to call you tomorrow with the information. All I know is that your flight is three days before we have to be in court. I thought it would be best if I go over everything with you and Jace beforehand, and I wanted to make sure you were settled before throwing you to the wolves.” My dad explains.

“Yeah, no, I get it. I will let my bosses know tomorrow, so they know not to put me on that two-week schedule.” I bite my lip, “So, did Jace say anything else?”

“No, but he seemed a little preoccupied when I called him.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, honey. There was a lot of rustling in the background, along with some mumbling. I think he was trying to muffle his voice as he talked to his mom.”

“Oh, I see. Okay, well thank you for giving me a heads up, dad. I better get going, I love you. Give mom kisses for me.”

“I love you, too, baby girl, and I will.” He replies back.

After I end the call, I toss my phone on the bed, and sigh. Was Jace really talking to his mom, or did he find himself a girlfriend? A voice inside me scoffs at my thought process, ‘He said he would wait for you’, it says to me, but how long would he have waited?

Picking up my phone again, I type out a text.

ME: Hey…

An hour later, I plug my phone into the charger and go to bed, never receiving a text back from Jace.

I fly out on a Sunday, nervous as hell, because I’m about to come face-to-face with the guy that I finally realized that I want to be with, only for him to have moved on. At least that’s how I’m taking it, since he never replied to my text. I’m excited to see my family again, it’s been way too long. I’m in need of my mom’s cooking, my father’s forehead kisses, my brother’s annoying behavior, and my sister’s bear hugs. Most of all, I’m in need of closure. If Jace has moved on, then I need to know for sure, so I can close this chapter and move forward.

Sleeping on a plane is a lot easier than I would have thought. I remember take off, being asked if I needed anything to eat or drink, and then waking up to the flight attendant informing us that we are about to land. That didn’t help my nerves any, but it did help with the excitement of seeing my family once again.

All four of them are there, standing in the airport holding up big signs, embarrassing the hell out of me, but loving them even more for doing it. I run and fling myself at all of them at once, almost knocking us all to the floor. Tears stream down my eyes at seeing the people I love again. I knew that I missed them, but didn’t realize how much until now. We have always been close, and this time apart has shown me that I have the greatest family ever.

“I’ve missed all of you so much!” I cry while my mother tries wiping the tears away.

“Even me?” Eli asks, grinning widely.
