Page 45 of Tantalize

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“Do you want a bacon and cheese omelet, or would you rather have everything separate?” he asked with his back to her.

“Whatever’s easiest for you.” He didn’t answer her, just started breaking and whipping up eggs. “Gabriel…” she started.

“Since college, Dani? Since me?” His tone was soft, but there was something else—almost like pain.

She wanted to be flippant about it, but she found she couldn’t. Striding across the room, she slipped her arms around his waist and hugged him from behind. “They didn’t do it for me. I couldn’t let go of my control with them.”

“But you had no trouble with me last night.”

“No, I didn’t.” She wasn’t surprised. Gabriel had a way of taking over her body and her senses. A technique to allow her to let go of her control and accept her body’s wants and needs.

“I…” Gabriel’s hands covered hers where she hugged him. “That’s a heavy responsibility.”

“It’s not your responsibility.” She wasn’t going to let him take this on his shoulders.

“I wasn’t your Dom in college, but I am now. It is my responsibility to make sure you have pleasure.”

“And it’s my responsibility to make sure you have your pleasure.” He wasn’t going to get away with a double standard in their relationship. Not if they were going to have one. “Last night, you gave me pleasure but didn’t allow me to give you any.”

Gabriel stepped back from the counter, forcing her to take several steps back. He turned in her embrace and looked down at her. “My pleasure came from yours.”

She framed his face with her hands. “And that was fine. But know this, I might be submissive in the bedroom and in the club, but outside of those two, I’m in control of my life. That’s a hard limit for me. You are not to take responsibility for me.”

He looked down at her. “You’re right.” His body relaxed under her touch. “I was just so surprised. You’re so sensual. While we were together, you never ever had an issue with your body or having sex.”

“I was much freer in college. Now, I have huge responsibilities. The business and my grandparents.”

Gabriel lowered his head until his forehead rested against hers. “Will you at least share those burdens with me?”

“Only if you share yours.”

“Done.” He smiled. “Now, if you’ll stop molesting me, I can get us breakfast.”

“Molesting you?” It was laughter in her voice. She’d missed this. Dani released him and moved to the other side of the kitchen. She loved watching Gabriel cook.

* * * *

Gabriel took a deep breath as he cooked the bacon. He hadn’t expected Dani’s words, and while his masculine side preened, his Dom side cringed. Yes, he’d brought her pleasure last night, but this was a woman who had been without pleasure for over four years.

He quickly finished cooking, and they ate. “What do you have on tap for today?”

“I need to go check on my grandparents and go into the office for a little bit. There are a few things I need to go over when no one’s around.”

“May I come with you?” He wanted to see her grandparents, but he was curious about her office. Also, he didn’t want her to be alone. Yes, he was being overprotective, and he knew it. But he just couldn’t turn off that side of himself.

“If you want. And, before I forget, I have training on the new computer system at the club tomorrow.” She pushed her empty breakfast plate away. “That was absolutely delicious. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome. I’ll clean the kitchen while you get dressed.” He picked up the empty plates. “I’m assuming you want to go to your apartment and change before you go to your grandparents.”

Twin suns appeared on her cheeks, and Gabriel bit back a grin. “I probably should.”

Gabriel watched Dani saunter to his bedroom. His heart was light. This was where Dani belonged. With him and in his life. He carried the dishes into the kitchen and rinsed them off to load them into the dishwasher.

There was still something that bugged him about the way they broke up in college. But now was not the time to talk about it. They were just getting back on even footing, and right now, Dani was talking to him.

Had he ever stopped loving her? He doubted it. That’s partly why he’d stayed in contact with her grandparents. Any little news of her made his heart shine.

Gabriel shook his head. He hadn’t thought this long and hard about a relationship ever. He wasn’t one to wax poetic. Dani brought that out and him. He finished cleaning the kitchen and walked toward the bedroom. Dani was finished, so he took a quick shower and dressed. Soon, they were on their way to her apartment.
