Page 80 of Unmasked

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Logan and his fellow officers stood back while the responding officers knocked on the door.They waited.There was shouting from inside the house.Logan put his hand on his firearm and waited.

They knocked again.The door was thrown open, and a loud bang was heard.One of the responding officers flew backward as his partner drew his gun and fired.Logan rushed to the downed officer as a woman inside the home screamed.

“LW seven twenty, need two ambulances , officer down.Repeat officer down.Suspect down.”Logan reached for the officer’s neck.He had strong pulse.Logan looked at his chest and let out a breath.

They weren’t required to wear bullet proof vests on the job, but many of them did, him included.“Bill, you okay?”Logan asked.

“That fucking hurts.”Bill groaned.

Logan let out a breath.“Ambulance on the way.Just lie still.”His heart was pounding as he looked up to see the other officers shaking their heads and a woman crying.

Paramedics pulled up and jumped out of their vehicles.One pair ran toward him, the other toward the house.Logan stepped back as they moved in to check on Bill.

Logan glanced at his watch.There was no way he was going to make it home by dinner tonight, not with the paperwork this call would require.He pulled out his phone and texted Ellie that he needed to cancel dinner, but he’d pick her up for the club tomorrow night.He was careful to tell her he’d be on paperwork from a call for a few hours so she didn’t worry.

Ellie answered with a hugging emoji and told him she’d meet him at the club, since Sierra, Crystal, and Tessa were taking her out to dinner to thank her for the Halloween party.Logan gave her the thumbs up emoji.

* * * *

Logan made his way into Wicked Sanctuary Saturday night with a heavy heart.Bill, the friend who’d been shot in the vest yesterday, went into cardiac arrest shortly after and died.

Logan found Ellie sitting in the sub area with Sierra and Crystal.His mood lightened seeing her.He didn’t want to play tonight, just hold her in his arms.

Ellie jumped up when she saw him.“Logan, what’s wrong?”

He shook his head and held his hand out to her.Instantly, she placed her hand in his.“Ladies,” he said as he led Ellie away and over to one of the quiet areas.He plopped down on the sofa and drew her onto his lap.

Ellie laid her head on his shoulder, one arm around his neck, the other on his chest.Logan closed his eyes and breathed in her fresh scent, and his muscles relaxed.He needed her in his arms, to feel her heartbeat, the warmth of her skin.

He wasn’t sure how long they sat that way before her fingers traced his cheek.“What happened?”she asked softly.

Logan didn’t want to tell her, but she deserved the truth.“An officer passed this afternoon.”

“Oh, Logan.”She pressed herself closer to him.“I’m so sorry.How old was he?”

“Thirty-five.”Almost the same age he was—too damn young.

Ellie stiffened in his hold, and Logan didn’t blame her.“He was young.”

“Yes.He had a heart attack.”He opened his eyes.“Ellie, I didn’t want to tell you this, but I will because I believe in open and honest communication between us.”She nodded, her eyes filled with concern.“He was shot in the line of duty yesterday.”

A small gasp left her lips.“He was wearing his vest, but the blast hit him square in the chest.While the vest protected him, the impact of the bullet messed up his heart rhythm.The doctors did everything they could, but they couldn’t stabilize him, and he died.”

Tears filled her eyes, and Logan cupped her cheek.“I know you don’t want to hear this.”

She shook her head, and leaned her cheek into his palm.“You need to get this out.I didn’t hear anything about a robbery or anything like that.”Her voice was soft.

“It was a domestic violence call.”He took a breath and let it out.“They can be unpredictable.I was one of the backup officers called in.”He shivered.It could have easily been him.The realization sent a cold chill through him.

What if it had been him?Would he have done anything differently?He didn’t think so, and second guessing the what ifs wasn’t a path he wanted to follow.

“That’s awful.”

“It is.”

“Does he have a family?”

“A wife, but no kids.They were trying.”
