Page 13 of Illusion of Loving

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Taurus picks up her head and leans close to my face so that our foreheads are touching. “Thank you. I think you might be the only man who believes that.” She chuckles lightly.

Our noses keep our lips from touching.

“You always seem to clean up nice. Even when you’re just in comfortable clothes. You always look so put together.” Her thumb rubbed the back of my neck.

“Having a mother like mine, you didn’t have a choice.” I snicker as my fingers run along the small of her back. “I’m sorry I got you sick.” I apologize.

Taurus scrunches her face, “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know it was going to rain.” She sighs, “I should be the one apologizing.”

It was my turn to look at her questionably, “Why?”

She sighs heavily, “I have to tell you something and it will make things awkward, but if I don’t, I will not be able to look you in the eye again.”

Her head pulls back, but her arms are still wrapped around my neck. Slowly, my arms snake around her waist. “When I fell asleep last night, I dreamt of you. I dreamt…of you…” She tried to explain.

“Yes?” Her eyes shy away from me, but I continue to gaze straight at her until she gives me an answer.

She swallows, “I dreamt of you stripping out of your wet clothes…spreading my legs apart and asking me if you could taste me…”

Stop talking.

“You pulled off my shorts and panties, then…”

Stop talking.

“And then…”

“What did I say to you?” I ask, in a hushed tone.

Her grip becomes tighter as she thinks about it. I can tell she is getting aroused reliving the dream. “You called me ‘Princess’ and told me that all you needed was one taste.”

Fuck, that did it.

A rumble coats my chest, “I would never say that.”

She looks at me incredibly embarrassed, “I know, it was a stupid dream- “

I couldn’t stop myself, “I could never stop once I had a taste. My tongue would not allow it. Licking you clean every morning would become a routine for me. One taste would never suffice. I would only want more. Craving and worshiping every part of your soft and aching body. You would never doubt whether you’re wanted ever again. What an honor to have.” I confess. I meant every word.

Her breathing becomes harsher, and she swallows. I can feel the heat radiating from her body. Her eyes were wide, but yearning. Hanging on my every word.

“How does that sound, Princess?” I close the space between us and hover my lips above hers. She gets ready to speak, but I cut her off, as I take a step back from her. “I’m sorry, I took my teasing too far.” I lie.

She attempts to relax. Unlinking her hands from my neck. “Of course, you’re kidding.” She laughs it off.

The fact that this is me controlling myself is what is worrying me. I can control myself better than this, but fuck, do I even want to? Greyson would never understand.


He’s kidding…? There is no way a man can say something so bold, while looking deeply into someone’s eyes and not mean it. Those words were filled with such passion, that it put me under a hypnotic trance. If I am reading too much into this then I will leave it alone, but is he struggling like I am?

A loud bang hits the door rhythmically. The only person who would knock like that would be…Greyson. From looking at Ru’s face, he must know it as well.

“Hide in my room.” Ru orders as he walks away from me to open the door.

I rush to his room and close the door behind me. I’d never seen his room before. He had a massive black California King platform bed with grey bedsheets and a black comforter. His room was black and grey with a bit of white to contrast the room. His walls were covered in elegant dark grey wood. His style was clean-cut and modern.

Even his bed is made. What if I just sit on it? That’s fine, right? I walk closer to the bed and sit on it, feeling the luxurious comfort. I lie down on the bed and get comfortable. I am not sure how long this will take. The bed smells like him. I turn around on my face so that my face was pressed into his pillow. I inhale his scent off the pillow, and I realize I have lost my mind.
