Page 24 of Illusion of Loving

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“She’s twenty-seven and you’re in your forties, I assume. She’s almost thirty, men like you get tired of the older ones and will keep going younger. She has two years if you don’t toss her aside before then. You’re a handsome man, who looks years younger than he is. I know how this will play out.”

I have never dated women as young as Taurus. I have always dated age-appropriate women my entire life. Taurus’s age is one of the very reasons I wanted to stay away. “That’s quite an observation, Ms. Maxwell. A poor one, but one nonetheless.” I replied.

“Only time will tell, Mr. Wén. Make sure to let my daughter know I want to talk.”

“She’s aware. She doesn’t want to, and I won’t convince her otherwise.” I retort.

Tasmin gets up scoffing again, “As I said, this game you have won't endure.” With that, she walks out of my office.

My phone vibrates on the desk.

I calmed down. Are we going to talk?


Have you? Your mistress just walked into my office.


I was pissed and needed someone to talk to. I haven’t spoken to her since that night.


Is Taurus pissed at me? How is she?


She’s fine.


Well, she’s more than fine I would say. She fell asleep with a smile on her face last night. The way she slumbered on top of me the entire night, curled up into my neck. Dousing me with her aroma. The sweet smell of her natural scent.

Fashion week starts in two days. This is good for Taurus, a trip to New York will give us the space we need to grow closer without any distractions.


18 Years Ago

Mom walks out of her room, and she stares at me. “Go inside your room!” Mom yells and I do just that. “Go to sleep! I don’t want to hear you for the rest of the day!” She screams from outside my room. She bangs her fists against the door.

I lie in bed hearing her kick my door out of anger.

“You know he died because of you. He never wanted to have kids. He never wanted you.” She continued. “You killed him, he died hating you and I hate you too. You take everything away from me. I got stuck with you. You should be grateful I’m raising you...” She screams continuing to bang on the door.

Mom cries and yells a lot, but I ignore it. She misses dad as I do.


The police have not contacted me yet about who burned my place down. I am starting to think this is going to go cold, but they just don’t want to tell me yet.

“Hello! Anyone home?” A female voice is heard from the front door. I put my dishes in the sink and I see the woman I saw Ru having dinner with at the restaurant that night. Her name is Lily if I remember correctly. So, she has a key to his place.

“Taurus, nice to see you again.” She greets me, but I hear another voice behind her. It’s a little kid, looks about four. “I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Lily Liu and this is my son Lay.”

“Nice to see you again.” I greet. “He’s so cute, how old is he?”

“He just turned three.” Lily answers. Damn, he is going to be a tall kid. “Sorry to come in like this. I’m not sure if Ru told you. My son has been sick and Wén wanted to see him once he felt better, but I might have beat him here. He said he was almost here when I called. He reminds me of my mother. She will tell you she’s home when she’s a mile away.”
