Page 25 of Illusion of Loving

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I snort out a laugh before I get cut off by Ru’s voice, “I’m a minute late and your already talking shit.” He playfully jokes. Ru picks Lay off the ground and kisses his cheek. Lay giggles and instantaneously hugs Ru back.

“Alright hurry it up. I have a date with my husband.” Lily growls.

“Poor guy, I should have given him options when I had the chance.” Ru hits back and Lily rolls her eyes. “If you want, I could watch him until you’re done with your date.”

She smiles brightly. “Good, you got the hint. I never thought you would ask.” She runs back to her car with what I am assuming is a bag for her son. She kisses Lay, “Have fun with Wén and Taurus. I’ll be back later.”

“Tell Mommy bye.” Ru coos helping Lay shake his hand.

“Bye!” Lay says happily.

He is so freaking cute! I watch Ru put him on the ground, holding his hand as Lily says her goodbyes to us and leaves.

“What should we do first?” Ru asks.

“Projector?” I offer.

He checks the weather on his phone. “Okay.” He accepts. I laugh as he doesn’t want to relive another storm.

Lay sits on the couch and watches the cartoons as he sits in the middle of us. Lay is very sociable and holds my hand. It reminds me of my dreams of being a mother.

“Baby fever?” Ru laughs. I smile scratching the back of my head. “Me too. I definitely wouldn’t mind another kid.”

I don’t know why that warmed my heart. “Really?” A small smile tugging.

“Yeah, I was young when Greyson was born and thanks to my parents I got help, but I never got to experience raising a child with someone I’m in love with. Greyson’s mother didn’t tell me about Greyson until she was almost due. So, I missed going through the pregnancy with her. I want to experience that with the woman I love one day.”

I listen carefully to his words as my heart pounds.

“Talking to her belly. Picking out names together. Wondering if the baby will look like me or her…it’s those lasting moments that seemed so insignificant at the time. More importantly, I want a partner. I built this big house and I’m alone in it. The games of my youth are behind me.”

Ru turns his head away from the screen and looks down at Lay. Then those warm and gentle brown eyes look at me. I take my hand and push back the black strands of hair that fell in front of his face, but I quickly remove my hand and face toward the screen.

“Are you ready to fly out tomorrow?” He’s referring to New York for fashion week.

I shake my head quickly, “You have no idea.” I squeal, doing a little dance.

“We will be flying out in the morning so that we can settle into the hotel. Bryn will be getting there today. To make sure all the models are settled. Skylar is one of those models, which is where you come in.” Ru clarifies.

“Whatever it takes...” I breathe in.

“About the hotel, I got us two suites for the week.”

“That seems like a waste of money.” I laugh. “I’m sure I could sleep on the couch if the suite has one. Unless you need your privacy, I get it.”

“If it comes to it, I’ll take the couch. Okay, one suite then.” Ru’s eyes shine and I squint at his gaze.

Later that night, Lily comes to get Lay, and Ru tells me to pack. I pack everything I believe that I will need, and I fall asleep thinking about what is to come.

18 Years Ago

“Lock the door, I’m leaving!” Mom yells from the door.

I run out of my room. “Mommy, don’t leave me here alone, please.”

She rolls her eyes, and scoffs, “Just lock the door, you’re fine.”

“It’s scary by myself,” I beg, but she ignores me and closes the front door in my face. When she usually leaves, she is gone for days, and I am home alone.
