Page 44 of Illusion of Loving

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She hands me a check. I look at it and it’s a check for thirty thousand dollars.

“You wouldn’t answer me, and I wanted to make sure you were being taken care of. I don’t have a lot of money, but this is for you to get a decent apartment.”

“Where did you get this?” I pry.

“It doesn’t matter, just take it, and get out of that man's home. He will grow tired of you and move on, stand on your own two feet.” She growls, “I raised you better than this.”

I scoff, “Again, you didn’t raise me at all. I’m fine.”

“Taurus!” Someone shouts and I see Ms. Young. “Are you waiting for Ru?”

No, please don’t walk in on this bullshit. “He’ll be out in an hour or so.” I answer.

“Well, I can take you back.” She smiles brightly. She looks at my mother and grins, “Hello.” She greets.

I give my mother her check back and get into Ms. Young's car. “Thank you,” I tell her, and she winks.

“I hope you don’t mind; I need to stop at Greyson’s apartment, he’s gone for the time being. You won’t run into him.” Ms. Young explains.

“Sure. No problem.”

Entering Greyson’s apartment felt incredibly haunting. The style of the apartment was nothing even close to his personality. If I had to guess this is somebody else’s style. Ms. Young went through the house, and I sat in the living room. Whoever decorated this apartment was doing an amazing job. Even the coffee table in the living room was incredibly magnificent. The mindfulness in the design seemed to be closer to what I would love in a home. I pulled the drawer open to the coffee table, just to see the ins and outs of it. When I opened it, I thought I would have a heart attack right there. Time completely stopped as I stare at my father’s letters to me, which I believed burned down in the house fire, sitting in the drawers of Greyson’s coffee table. I shut the coffee table drawer quickly and waited for Ms. Young to return.

I know that those letters were in my house. The only way that Greyson would have these letters, is if he were in my house the night of the fire. He did it, he’s the one that burned down my house that night. It’s the only explanation, who else could it be? Unless it was my mother, and she gave him the letters to hide. Are they that close? I don’t know what the fuck to think right now, but I do know that Greyson is implicated somehow. It makes sense why the police are ruling this a cold case. Did Greyson barter their silence? He’s a very wealthy man and could effortlessly pay them off to cover his tracks. However, Greyson had no reason to want to burn down my house. If he wanted to win me back, he wouldn’t have burned down my house in anger.

When Ms. Young returns, we quickly leave, and she takes me to Ru’s and follows me inside. “Remind me to get Ru a new interior decorator.” Ms. Young grins and then says something in Mandarin. She looks over at me as she pours a glass of water. “Who was that woman you were with?” She asks, sliding me a glass.

“My mother.”


I take a sip of water, “Yeah, I have been ignoring her and now she won’t leave me alone. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

Ms. Young pinches my cheek playfully. “Don’t be embarrassed. When I was younger, I used to blow up in front of the building. I was a mess and a completely embarrassing hot head.” She laughs. “Ru is a lot like his father; very calm in spirit.”

“Yes, since I've known him, I always feel calm and comfortable around him.” My thoughts go to him, and it makes me smile to myself.

Ms. Young smiles even wider than I do.

“What are you girls talking about?” Ru’s voice enters from the front door.

“It’s not polite to listen to another person’s conversation.” She scolds.

Ru says under his breath, “Coming from the nosiest person in this family.”

Ms. Young slaps his arm as she walks by. “You need to redecorate this place.” She says outright. “It does not feel warm. Like a home, it’s too business.”

“It’s fine.” He answers curtly.

“It is not.” Ms. Young. “You agree, right Taurus?”

Ru smiles sarcastically, “Oh does she?”

I clear my throat nervously, “The guest house is very homey, but I do agree that the main house could be a bit homier.”

“Help me decorate it,” Ru says looking straight at me.

He wants me to help him redecorate his home. That seems…personal, right? No, I’m a designer he just wants my input because he believes in my talent. I mean I know we are exclusive, but he’s not asking me to live here forever. I need to relax.
