Page 53 of Illusion of Loving

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My eyes widen, “Gosh, that’s a long time.”

“Yes, but I’ve held on for too long. My wife was the founder of this shop, but she passed away three years ago, and I just don’t have the spirit to keep running it.” His tone is somber as he talks about it. I wonder if Ru would be interested in buying it. He seems like he wants to expand his brand.

“Can I get a good contact for you? I want to pass this information on to my partner to see if he could be interested in buying your shop.”

He lights up, “Yes, of course.”

I take down his information and head back to the house to get ready for work.

Once I arrive at work, Bryn has a bunch of paperwork he wants me to deliver to Ru’s office. Ru’s assistant sits outside and warns me, “Ms. Maxwell, Mr. Wén has a meeting today. Please come back at a later time.”

“Has it started?”

“No, but it will soon.”

“Please, I just need to drop this off on his desk and be on my way out.” I plead. If Bryn sees me come back with this paperwork, I’ll never hear the end of this.

She sighs, “Please be quick about it.”

I nod and go into his office. I set down the papers next to his laptop. After some small organizing, I place each stack carefully back on the table.

“You work here?” I hear a voice say. I look up to see that Nolan guy. “We didn’t get a chance to meet, I’m Nolan Haze.” He greets.

“Taurus Maxwell.” I curtly greet.

I step toward the door, but he obstructs my path. “You seem pretty young to be dating someone like Wén, if it’s money you’re after, I have plenty.”

“Remove yourself.” Calmly I say.

“Why so hostile?” He laughs.

I try to go around him, but he blocks my path again.

Nolan grabs my arm, “How much?”

His nails are pressing into my arm harshly. “Let go,” I shout. I punch his face with the back of my hand, and he releases me holding his face. “You couldn’t afford my fingernails.”

He growls, “Are you fucking stupid?”

Nolan walks toward me and I back away. With great timing, Ru walks in, looks at me, and rams Nolan into the wall. “What the fuck did you do?! Why the fuck are you here?!” Ru yells and security walks in after.

“I didn’t do anything. She came on to me. Whores are all the same, they see a guy with money and jump for it.” Nolan claims confidently.

Ru raises his fists quickly. “Ru, the security is here.” I remind him.

He releases Nolan and the security takes him. Ru walks over to me and gently grabs my hand. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, but my hand fucking stings from punching him.” Hissing as Ru touches it.

“Remind me to put a bat in here.” He jokes.

I scoff, “Honestly.”

“He must have been appointed as the new shareholder for this company that I was hoping to have invest in the gallery.”

I frown, “Oh, I’m sorry.”

Ru kisses my hand, “Fuck him and that company. Let’s go to the hospital and this time I’m not going to let you fight me on this.” He sternly orders.
