Page 88 of Illusion of Loving

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I take a deep breath and think hard about it, “Will you go with me?”

“There’s no way you’re going alone, to begin with. I don’t care if she is locked up. I don’t trust her.” Ru’s hand grips my hair and pulls me into a kiss. “I’ll always be by your side.”

My hips sway side to side as I continue our kiss. Our moans carry like echoes through his room. We gently pull apart. “We need to finish packing and then we will head over to the jail.” I say.

Ru will be donating all the furniture in the house. The new house has already been furnished with our mixed styles. Tonight, we fly out to New York and sleep in our home for the first time. I hope we adjust quickly.

The drive to the jail was not that far from us which was eerie. We had to go through several metal detectors. You would think this was a super-max prison you see comic book villains getting put in.

I sit in a chair and look through the window separating the prisoners and visitors. I wait and no one sits in the empty chair. Is she not going to come? I wait another thirty minutes and she doesn’t appear. After everything that she’s done, she won’t face me.

“Let’s just go.” I get up from the chair, and we leave the jail.

I expected her to talk her head off, but I got complete silence. This is how she wants to close our story, and, in the end, she will have to sit with the judgments she made that led her to be locked up in a cell.

The night rolls around and it’s time for us to fly to our new home.

“We will be home soon.” Ru hums into my ear. “But before we do that. The gallery will finally open next week. I want to stop there first; I wanted you to be the first to see it in its entirety.”

It’s finally finished. I know he must be in promising spirits. “Congratulations, Ru!” I hug and kiss him. “I know how hard you have worked on this. I can’t wait to see it!”

I’m not sure what I’m more enthusiastic about now. I sit and estimate the minutes until we land.

The gallery was now beautifully lit when we arrived. I walk inside and see all of Ru’s art. His designs are everywhere. Paintings, sketches, and even finished sets of clothing. It was phenomenal to see how multi-talented Ru is. I walk down the gallery until I arrive at this last canvas. It’s a painting of a woman looking at this very canvas. Her head is obstructing the way of what’s on the canvas in the painting.

“Taurus, when I brought you here the first time, I told you that I wanted to put together this gallery to highlight my talent. I wanted something for myself that wasn’t passed down to me, something that I accumulated on my own. This gallery is a reflection of that. Morenotably whenI met you it wasn’t something I expected. I had no clue that you were going to have such a massive impact on my life. I kept thinking to myself, that it was all just some kind of illusion. I made myself think that my feelings for you weren’t real and that I should let you go. Then you continue to push me until even I believed it for myself. I fell in love with you before I could even explain it to myself. I loved you with my heart first and my mind second.”

I go to turn around, but he stops me. “Ru?”

“You are the most amazing person that I have ever met. You have allowed me to see a future that I had never even thought possible. The moments that we shared could never be recounted. The feelings I have for you could never just be replicated with anyone else.” He turns me around and gets down on one knee. “That’s why today, I humbly ask for you to marry me as I continue to earn your love each day.” His eyes shimmered as he holds up a stunning black diamond ring.

“Ru…” I want to speak but I get choked up in my own emotions and cry.

“Fuck, I hope that’s a yes.” He chuckles nervously.

I nod erratically while crying. “Yes.” The word finally fights its way out.

Ru slips on my ring and pulls me into his arms. “How soon can I make you my wife?”

“And here I thought you loved to prolong pleasure.” I joke.

He snickers into my neck, “This is different, prolongingthispleasure would be agony.”

“Then, I sure as hell won’t be your torturer.” Small laughs leave me. I turn back around and look back at the portrait. “What is the painting about?” I ask.

He smiles as he admires the painting, “It’s from when we painted at the vineyard. Funny enough you and I painted comparable stories. I painted what you would be doing when I proposed, while you painted our dream first meeting in the gallery.”

“You have been wanting to marry me since the vineyard?” Tears run from my eyes.

He swipes the remaining tears away, “No, before then. I just didn’t realize it. I didn’t recognize that the woman of my dreams wanted me just as much as I wanted her.”

“I do.”

“Yes, just like that. Practice for our wedding day.” His laugh permeated.

I sigh frantically with the biggest smile on my face. This love is no illusion, it’s real and tangible. I get to fall asleep next to the man I love and wake up knowing tomorrow will be even better than the last.

Months Later
