Page 63 of Widowed

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She looks over at me. “What? You look like a man in love…” she jokes.

That’s because I am. “Hopelessly, wife.” My tone begging for her to hear my heart.

I do. I love her. Ivan, you told me to love her, and I thought it would be impossible. I believed you to be a child who didn’t understand the reality of the life we live, but you were right. We can find someone who makes us better than we once were. She made you better, just as she is doing with me. Ivan, I don’t ever want to die because I know Reyna will be in heaven while I’m stuck in hell. An eternity apart sounds like a nightmare.

“Hopelessly?” Her voice is barely above a whisper as she intertwines her fingers in my hair.

“Desperately…” My eyes slightly shut as I continued to look over at her.

Reyna smiles even wider, but she doesn’t say anything. She just kisses me, and I allow that to be enough for now.

Chapter 19


A Few Days Later

I look in the mirror and continue to tell myself that Kyro and I will get justice for Ivan. Those bastards will die for killing Ivan. I do not care what it takes. Kyro has a charity event he is throwing for displaced children, specifically children who immigrated from other places in the world. He wants to make sure the children are cared for as best as possible and give them more opportunities so that they become prosperous adults.

Prince and Kyro are wearing matching suits, and it makes me jealous. I hope we have a daughter one day, but if fate has it, I’ll end up having another boy.

“You guys need to include me in your style choices,” I whine.

“Mom, I told you what we were wearing, and you still chose the gold dress. I told you to wear the blue dress to match our suits.” Prince groans.

I glare at Prince and Kyro chuckles as he fixes his tie in his closet. “The gold dress compliments our navy blue suits, Reyna. You look perfect next to us. You always do.” Kyro interjects. “Doesn’t your mother look beautiful, Prince?”

“Yes, Mom, you look pretty.” Prince turns to Kyro, “What are we going to do at the charity? How are you going to raise money?”

“We do many things, auction off items, or take donations. It’s always good to help others that are less fortunate than you. I couldn’t imagine you not having a comfortable place to rest your head or enough food for the day. I know what it’s like to go without eating for days or not knowing when your next meal will be. No child should ever experience that.”

“I’ll do my best to raise money!” Prince says proudly.

Kyro comes out from his closet and fixes Prince’s hair. “I know you will.” Kyro finishes with his hair and pats his back. “Go put on your shoes.”

“On it,” Prince replies before running out of our room. It’s cute that Prince is excited to give back. He makes me such a proud mother.

“He’s such a good boy. Hopefully, he stays that way. I gave my parents hell as a teenager.”

Kyro comes behind me and kisses my neck. “You couldn’t have been worse than me. I was killing rival gangs.”

I bit my lip with widened eyes. “Yeah, on second thought, I was an angel compared to you. All I did was smoke weed, snuck out, and got pregnant with a guy I only knew for a couple of months. My parents were especially livid about the pregnancy, but I told them I was in love and that I wanted to have a baby with him. WhenPrincewas born, I was so happy. I can’t wait to feel that joy again.”

“Maybe you’re already pregnant. I’ve come inside you a couple of times now. You should see the quack.” He suggests.

I sway side to side in his arms as he leans in for a kiss. “I’ll go soon.”

As the moon rose in the sky, we made our way to the event. Kyro held my hand as he drove, while Prince had a comic book as his companion. People were seen outside of the event as we drove up. Kyro gets out of the car and opens my door, then Prince’s. Prince clings to Kyro instantly, which I knew would happen. He is still not much of a social butterfly. Well, at least not with other children.

When we entered, my eyes looked over the room. Prince runs down the hall to wander. “It’s been a while.” That voice. I know it. It’s Rowan. I put on a smile, but Kyro had a pretty stoic expression.

I cling to Kyro naturally, “Hey, Rowan. Yeah, it’s been busy. What brings you here?”

“Maeve loves being a part of charity events, especially ones about kids. So, I’m here at my wife’s request.” He smiles.

“And where is your wife?” Kyro steps in.

Rowan looks around. “She went to the restroom, but she should be back.”
