Page 28 of Innocent

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I swung.

He released me instantly, shoving me hard before his hand flew to his nose. I stumbled back into a table of flowers with a hard thud and gripped tight to the edge so my legs didn’t give way. Things toppled, rolled, and hit the floor with a hard crash, glass and pottery scattering across the floor. I leaned back against the table while I gathered myself, not caring about the water currently soaking into my pants from the chaos strewn across the tabletop behind me.

Brian’s shoulders moved up and down dramatically as his breathing became deep and heavy, like an angry bull while eyeing the red flag. He pulled his hand back from his nose, a couple of spots of blood decorating his fingertips, but that was about it.

My aim had been okay.

But the damage I’d done was minimal.

And I knew he was going to make me pay for it.

I moved first, making a run for the rear door, my body colliding with several hanging plants and statues that filled the small space to the brim making the paths through the store precarious and absolutely not made for trying to escape a mad man.

I managed to wrap my fingers around the doorframe before he grabbed hold of my shirt in his fist and jerked my entire body back as though I was some babydoll being tossed around by a toddler.

My feet lifted up with the force, and I hit the table I’d just been using for support, tumbling over the top of it and onto the wooden floor on the other side. A deep, painful groan escaped from my mouth, my body writhing as I fought through the agony.

I wasn’t even sure what it was from.

Hitting the floor? Pieces of glass? All of the damn above?

“You stupid fucking bitch,” Brian roared. “You know my family is going to see that article. My friends. The boys at work. They’re going to think you left me forhim. You think you can just humiliate me like that and get away with it?”

The balloon of fury had burst.

And it had exploded everywhere.

I looked up just as he lifted a large glass vase full of flowers over his head, managing to raise my arm just as he brought it down on top of me. It didn’t smash on impact, bouncing off my forearm and hitting the floor before erupting into shards.

The pain resonated through me, leaves, flowers, and water covering me as he went about destroying everything he could get his hands on. I knew I had seconds, no more than that, to figure out what I was going to do.

It was either have a plan.

Or die today.

He let out a dark laugh as he came back around the table to where I was still lying, fighting for breath and out of options. I couldn’t lay there and take it like I used to. I had to fight. Fight for me, fight for that girl who spent two years of her life thinking this was love, fight for what I could have in the future.

He reached for me.

And there was nothing else I could do but wrap my fingers around the piece of jagged glass on the floor beside me and thrust it forward.

I wasn’t aiming.

I was simply trying to survive.

It was the noises that seemed to overtake my senses.

The tearing of his overalls and the roar that followed just before I took another blow to the face.

For a second, the darkness attempted to take over, but I fought against it, blinking hard and clawing at the floor, pulling myself toward the nearest wall. There was cursing and crashing behind me, but I didn’t look.

I didn’t have time to stop.

“What the hell have you done,” Brian roared, though it wasn’t as strong as it had been moments ago. “You stabbed me.”

A hard thump rattled what felt like the entire building.

Then silence.

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