Page 51 of Innocent

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“Wow, thanks, pops.”

He rolled his eyes and waved me off. “Go find your girl.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice.


“It’s almost painful to see them roll in like this,” Drake commented as he stepped up beside me, the wind whipping around us and tussling my hair in all directions.

We stood outside the clubhouse, watching the five rides Emmett had tampered with be delivered by a towing company. They stood tall and proud on the back of the trailer as it pulled around, the boys climbing up one by one and rolling them off the back and into the garage attached to the clubhouse.

Strip, the club’s resident mechanic, said the lines had been cut and not just drained, so they were all going to need new ones installed.

An expensive night of collateral damage.

Though you wouldn’t know it from the way a handful of Drake’s brothers were crowded into the garage laughing and drinking like some crazed bastard hadn’t just attempted to hurt and or kill them.

“I’m sorry the club got caught up in my mess,” I apologized with a heavy sigh, though Drake just huffed out a laugh and shook his head.

“It’s not the first nor will it be the last time someone tries to tamper with our rides to make a point,” he explained with a shrug.

I couldn’t help but look up at him with a raised brow. “You play it off like it’s nothing.”

“Because nothing happened.”

My frown only grew deeper. “There were five rides without brakes, your brothers could’ve died because of me.”

“And now they have an excuse to sit out in the garage for the next few hours, drinking and talking shit while Strip fixes them,” Drake announced, circling behind me and placing his hands on my hips before using them to turn my body back toward the clubhouse. “Come on, how about you have a hot shower and then we go to bed?” I didn’t fight it, just rolling my eyes as he directed me back inside and up the staircase.

A hot shower actually sounded like absolute fucking heaven in that moment. It was one of my guilty pleasures—the hotter, the better. Scorching if possible.

So I let him walk me into the bathroom attached to his bedroom and turn on the shower. When he stepped back toward the door, I realized he had saidhow aboutyouhave a hot shower and thenwego to bed.

He was making sure I had a moment to myself.

Time to take a breath and just let my body relax.

“Drake.” He paused with his hand on the door handle and looked back over his shoulder. I hurried over, lifting on my toes and pressing a long, deep kiss to his lips, not pulling back until my lungs were screaming for air. “Thanks,” I told him breathlessly while the steamy air swirled and billowed, filling the small room.

“Take your time.”

And I did, stepping out of the bathroom in just my underwear no less than forty minutes later, feeling like I could actually breathe a little better.

Drake looked me up and down as I closed the bathroom door behind me, his eyes growing dramatically wide. “Jesus Christ, were you showering in water straight from hell?”

I rolled my eyes, knowing my skin was probably bright red, almost burned. “I like to have hot showers after stressful situations,” I said with a shrug. “I feel like it cleanses all the bad shit from my skin.”

“With that kind of heat, it’s cleansing a lot more than your skin,” he teased, shaking his head as he hung up his club cut and let his jeans fall to his ankles. “That shit’s burning the demons deep in your soul. You’re probably more angelic than Mother Teresa.”

I raised my brow and folded my arms across my chest. “Look, if you can’t take the heat—”

He cut my teasing short, taking a couple of long strides across the room, lifting me off my feet and tossing me onto the bed. “Can’t take the heat?” he echoed, stripping off his T-shirt while I laughed softly, scampering to get under the blankets. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

He lifted the sheet and climbed into the bed. I didn’t waste a second slipping into his open arm and laying my head across his chest. The beat of his heart was strong and steady, and my breathing instantly fell in time with the comforting thump, inhaling long and deep.

“My sister hated when I took really hot baths and showers.” I couldn’t help but voice the memory as it drew a smile on my face.

“Because she was constantly running out of holy water to sprinkle on you after?”
