Page 54 of Innocent

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I copied his pose and let out a soft laugh. “He said he’d been looking at places like yours.”

His smirk grew a little bigger. “He has, but there has to be something that finally pushes him. He has big plans, plans to restore and create some amazing places in Boston, but he can’t do it from Vegas. There’s always been something holding him back, but I’m thinking things are starting to look up.”

“I wish I could take credit for some of that, but Drake and I are still new—”

His laughter cut me off as he shook his head. “The two of you have chemistry.”

“He tell you that?”

“No, I saw the aftermath of the hotel room,” he teased, and my cheeks felt like they were on fire. “You know those were like fourteen-foot ceilings, right? They probably had to call in the Boston Fire Department to get your panties off the light.”

“Kill me now,” I murmured, fanning myself, though I couldn’t stop the laughter that followed because I had a feeling he may not have been far from the truth. Someone would’ve had to get them down. “Look, if you want help here, it’s entirely contingent on you never mentioning that ever again.”

His smirk stayed, but he held his hands up in surrender. “Deal.”

“All right, well, let’s get to work.”



I looked up from the contract in my hand to find Cassie standing in the doorway.

Instantly, I put the papers to the side and leaned back in my seat. “Hey, come in.”

She floated toward me, wearing another one of those sundresses she loved. This one was a green patchwork kind of design, a little bit quirky, but so much her.

The past couple of weeks had been a whirlwind. Not exactly the ideal environment to be trying to form a relationship in, but what it had done is force us to face a lot of things we might not have faced for a long time, if ever, and honestly, there were bonds growing I knew I’d never felt with anyone else. And I was sure they were only going to get stronger.

Despite the trauma Cassie had been through, as the days passed by, I could feel her coming back into herself. The bright sparkle I saw that first night was visible in her eyes again, and I could feel the return of that passion in her with its little sprinkle of free-spirited chaos following behind.

“Cash said you asked him to drop me off so we could go to lunch?”

I nodded, reaching over and pulling open my drawer. “Yeah, feel bad you had to entertain Reed with all his demands this morning.”

“That I didn’t mind so much,” she admitted with a soft laugh. “At least flowers were involved. It made up for having to watch every girl in the building take turns trying to gain his attention.”

It was always like that with Reed, the bastard never had the same girl in his bed more than once. I wasn’t sure he’d ever been in a serious relationship. Though, after the shit he’s been through in his life, I wasn’t sure I’d be open to letting people get too close either.

“Anyway, I thought you might be up for some fun.”

Cassie walked forward, her eyebrow raised, but the corner of her mouth slowly turning up. “Fun?”

Pulling a small box out and placing it on the table in front of me, I nodded. “Not the lunch itself, but maybe this could make it that way.”

She stepped around my desk and picked up the gift I’d had wrapped and delivered by a store close to the strip. I watched her face as she peeled the layers back, wondering what her first reaction would be. Cassie made shit exciting. I’d fucked plenty of women in my time. Growing up in the clubhouse, sex was just around. It wasn’t some taboo subject, and my dad never tried to hide it from us, but Cassie’s eagerness to try new things and confidence in exploring were fucking sexy.

It was a kind of trust I never really expected, and I’d not take for granted.

“Is this…” she started as she eyed the box. She shook her head and tried to hide her smile, but I could see it clear as day, just like the soft blush consuming her cheeks. “You want me to wear this to lunch?”

I placed my phone on the table, opening the app I’d already downloaded, ready to connect. “I get to control it,” I explained, trying to ignore the way she was chewing on her lip as she studied the pictures. “Or I can set it to vibrate on noise. Like music, or just when it picks up people talking.”

Her smile dropped for a moment, and her mouth fell open. “I could come just from you talking?”

I laughed softly and got out of my chair. “I don’t know, do you wanna find out?”

She took my hand and stepped toward me, placing the box down and reaching for my tie, tugging it loose just slightly. It had become something she did often, loosening it when she knew I was done or taking a break, tightening it when she knew I had work to do.

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