Page 76 of Innocent

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He directed me down through the long stretch of garden which was all lit up by solar lamps on the paths and sparkling lights in the tress. In the darkness, it seemed larger than I imagined with flower beds and fountains, and I could even see a little playhouse in the distance.

Was he going to tie me up?

Leave me there?

The weather wasn’t too chilly, but with the way I was feeling, I wasn’t sure how much more abuse my body could take before it began to give out. Every muscle already ached. With every step, my body screamed at me to lay down. To rest.

It knew survival was the goal.

And when Emmett suddenly paused and turned back to me with a spade gripped in his hands like a baseball bat, in that half a second before it connected with my head, I knew if I was going to survive, it was going to be a fight.

One that this time, I might not be able to win.

God no.


I scratched at the wood with my nails. “No, this can’t be happening.” I sobbed. “Please, no.” The panic was setting in, and it was setting in fast. I started banging with the palm of my hand, but I couldn’t put enough force behind it, the awkward slim box was barely big enough to fit my body, all scrunched up inside.

“Help,” I whispered. “I need help. Please help.”

This was what he meant.

How he wanted me to feel at home while I waited for my friends to find me.

He buried me in the garden with the flowers.

Maybe that’s my karma for saying I hope Brian rots.

My breathing was heavy and erratic, and I wiggled and struggled, hoping like hell maybe he’d only put me in the box. Maybe he hadn’t actually put me in the ground. Maybe there was still some possibility they would find me.

My head was heavy, still pounding, though now a lot stronger as each thud came in time with my heart, and my heart was racing. I let out a painful sob, trying to suck in deep breaths so I could calm down and stop my brain from feeling like it could explode at any moment, but my tears were fighting against me.

I couldn’t get in a full breath.

Each one was short, panicked, and unsteady.

“Oh God,” I muttered. “I’m gonna run out of air.”

Suddenly, I stilled.

I held my breath.

I pinched my eyes closed and slowly let out the air in my lungs.

I didn’t know how long I’d already been in here, knocked out. And I had no idea if anyone was even going to find me.

How was Drake going to find me?

Tears dripped down my cheeks as I pulled in another breath and held it.

I didn’t want to give up.

Emmett was doing this out of some misguided loyalty to his brother.

Brian already took a part of my past.

Two years of hell I’d never get back.
