Page 72 of Sacrifice

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With me.

Her entire body shook with hard, heartbreaking sobs. I rubbed my hand against her back in gentle circles, carrying her toward the back porch of the house so at least she could be in the light again. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”

“We’ve got the girl,” the cop announced into his radio, and the heavy footsteps of a flurry of officers shook the ground as they rushed around the corner of the house. “Let’s get her into the ambulance and get her checked over.”

He reached for her and Kadey screamed, burying her face into my neck while she clung to me with both arms.

“Come on, honey—”

“Don’t fucking touch her,” I warned with a deep growl, taking a step back while my brothers stepped in, flanking me on either side. We were all ready to cop a conviction to keep this little girl safe. The only thing that had stopped me from already swinging at that dumb motherfuckingcopwas the chance that I might accidentally hurt Kadey in the process.

A female cop stepped forward, pressing her hand against the young guy’s chest, forcing him to take a couple of steps back. She obviously sensed the tension beginning to swirl. “My name is Officer Sinclair. But you can call me Halle,” she said, speaking softly to the little person in my arms before moving her attention to me. “I’m not trying to make things difficult. We just need to see if we can get any information from Kadey that she can give us quickly. It will help us find the people who did this and get them off the street before they can hurt others.”

She had no idea we knewexactlywho had done this.

And I planned to deal with them real soon, but the quicker I got the cops their information, the sooner I could get Kadey and Missy to safety at the clubhouse and finish this shit. I sat on the step, and Halle sank slowly down beside us. Kadey was curled into my chest, watching the woman cautiously. I slipped my club cut off my shoulders and handed it to Bishop before removing my hoodie.

“Kadey, let’s put this on you, okay?” I told her, gently slipping my hoodie over her head. She didn’t even bother putting her arms through the sleeves, just allowed it to swallow her, so the only part of her visible was her face. “You think you can tell this lady what happened?”

Kadey looked up at me, and I finally saw her face in the porch light. Her tears had left streaks through the dust and dirt that covered her cheeks. Her eyes were bloodshot and red, and snot leaked from her nose as she struggled to breathe through the tears that still wracked her little body.

“Deep breaths,” I told her, holding her gaze as I inhaled long and deep through my nose before letting it out through my mouth. “Your turn.”

She looked past me to the men I knew were standing at my back.

The men who had also fallen in love with this beautiful little girl.

Which is why, when she began her deep breath in, I wasn’t surprised to hear three more long, steady inhales behind me.

“Sounds like you have some really amazing men here with you, Kadey,” Halle said to Kadey with a warm smile. “You think with them here supporting you, that you can tell me a little about what happened tonight?”

Kadey glanced at me for reassurance again, and I nodded. “She’s okay,” I told her, rubbing her back with my hand. “You just tell her what you can.”

“Okay,” Kadey whispered, turning her attention back to Halle. “There was lots of noises. And banging on the door. Someone sayed, ‘open up!’”

Halle pulled a notepad from inside her vest and began to scribble notes down. “Did this someone sound like a man or a lady?”

“A man,” Kadey answered, leaning into me a little harder. “Daddy got me out of bed and put me in that little room. He sayed, ‘hide here. Don’t make no noise.’”

“Did you see what the person yelling looked like?” Halle prompted with a warm smile.

Kadey shook her head. “Daddy made me hide before he went to the door. There was lots of yelling. Then banging.”

I had to grit my teeth to keep from losing my shit. I knew Kadey had seen a lot of shit in her little life, but for the most part, Missy had done an amazing job of protecting her from most of it. This was going to hurt her.

Not just losing her Dad—which I was pretty sure she wasn’t aware of yet, but also being locked in that dirty damn box in the dark where who fucking knows how long it would have taken someone to find her if she hadn’t had the strength to call out when she heard my voice.

I was beginning to see the bigger picture, but a few parts were still blurry.

At least there was one thing we knew for sure, Jared had finally done something good in his life. He’d put his daughter first.

“That information is really amazing, Kadey,” Halle praised before looking over her shoulder at the young male officer. “Call through to the station and let them know to bring Kadey’s mom back so she can see her.”

The kid cleared his throat, his eyes shifting. “I already did. They haven’t made it to the station.”

“Did you radio Hoggarty and ask where the hell he is?” Halle demanded with a hard frown.

“He’s not answering his radio either.”

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