Page 46 of Silver Fox

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“Yes, it is. His little girl is the liver recipient and the reason I’m keeping this donation anonymous. I don’t want him to know.”

My parents exchanged a look, and something I wasn’t privy to passed between them.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing, dear. We’re going to hire a nurse for you.”

“I’m fine, and I can do this on my own.”

“Stubborn and independent.” My father swung his head in disappointment. “We’ll see you soon, Laura. Get some rest.”

I puffed out a frustrated breath and settled back in my bed. I closed my eyes, and a snapshot of Kensi swinging on a tree swing floated through my mind. James stood nearby with Foxy in his arms and Laila on her first toddler bike. The sun beamed, birds chirped, and our big, happy family laughed. I fell asleep with the image in my head and slept through the day and night.



Iknocked on Laura’s front door and bent down to pick up the giant bouquet of daisies. They were tied with a red bow, which held a get-well note from Laila. Kensi remained at the hospital, undergoing tests, but so far, it appeared the transplant was successful.

“Who is it?” she called from the other side.

“Delivery for Ms. Young.” I lowered my tone.

“Leave it at the door,” she growled.

“Can’t leave it. It’s a live delivery, Ms. Young.” I tried again, holding my laughter in and the flowers in front of the door’s peep hole. The lock clicked open, followed by the door and her gasp.

“What is this?”

I shimmied sideways so she could see my face. “Heard you had an appendectomy, and apparently daisies cure everything. Can I come in?”

She opened the door further, and I stepped inside.

“Where did you hear about my surgery? The kitchen table is empty.” She pointed to the right, and I set the vase down, concluding there weren’t enough flowers at her house. I removed the bag of hot food from my arm and set that on the table as well.

“My mother ran into yours at the hospital. Why didn’t you tell me you were having surgery?”

Her nose crinkled.

“It happened pretty quick. Ms. Young? That’s cute.”

“You could have called.”

“You were busy with Kensi, and the appendix burst, so they had to operate immediately. They sliced me open, took out the organ, cleaned out my guts, and I still got a post-operative infection.”

“All the more reason you should have called. I was a few floors away, and you sent Kensi a gift, while I sent you nothing.”

“What do you mean, nothing? You just brought flowers and food, which is awesome because I’m starving.”

“Still wish you had called.”

“It was nothing.”

I grabbed the containers and followed her to the family room. She held onto her right side as she limped to the couch. I sat beside her, and she winced in pain. Jesus, she looked so tired.

“They released you too fast.”

“I’m sure the doctors know what they’re doing, but I’m glad you’re here.” She smiled. “Did you come bearing my new employment papers?”
