Page 53 of Silver Fox

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“The super liver came from a super strong donor because I’m getting better. Did you know seven out of ten kids do well with super livers?”

“I didn’t know.” I drew my brows together. “But even super livers need rest, so it can settle in its new home. So not too much jumping. Okay?”

“Okay.” Kensi slid off the seat like a pancake, but her hand caught a cushion’s zipper near the floor, breaking the platinum bracelet around her wrist.

“Oh no!” Her eyes welled, and she covered her mouth with her hand. Tiffany and Teresa ran up to the window.

“What happened?” Tiffany lifted Kensi into her arms.

“My baby bracelet broke.”

“It’s okay, honey. I’m sure Daddy can fix it.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize this would happen.” I scooped up the bracelet, handing it to Tiffany.

“Don’t worry about it,” Teresa gave my arm a squeeze. “I’m sure James can fix it.”

Kensi settled in Tiffany’s hold and waved my way as they walked out the door.

I waved back.

“You would make a wonderful stepmother. You two are like peas in a pod.”

“Thanks, but I don’t want to step on another mother’s turf. Tiffany looks like she has it handled. I’ll tell James the truth about Foxy this weekend.”

Teresa’s eyes lit up. “Great. And I can’t wait to make s’mores with my grandson over the campfire.”

She hugged me goodbye, and I swear she had the power to infuse direct comfort into my bones. Eventually, James would find out the truth, and I preferred it came from my mouth.

* * *

I parked my Wrangler in front of James’s house and pulled in a long breath of courage. My hands, meanwhile, were shaking like maracas and my nerves were stripped bare. I walked out of the car and up the three steps on my trembling legs, pulling together my trench coat. Underneath was the sleek piece of lingerie Grace had gifted me through James. Tonight, I would pull every trick in the book to come out of this alive, with James not hating me.

The front door opened before I could lift my hand, nearly knocking me off my feet. James stood there in a pair of blue jeans and nothing else: no shirt, no socks, and, by the look of his thick cock at the side of his thigh, no underwear.

I swallowed thickly as a welcome smile stretched across his face. He had trimmed his beard and cut his hair. The smell of his spicy cologne hit me, and I bit my lip.

“Hi,” I said, tilting my hip to the side. “I’m here to make an arrest.”

His eyes shone with wicked promises. “You brought your cuffs?”

“No. I’m role playing,” I whispered, and he chuckled.

“Oh, got it. That’s okay, officer. I’ll let you borrow mine.”

He removed a pair of fluffy handcuffs from the back of his jeans and dangled them on his finger.

My mouth fell open, and a smug grin stretched across his face. I followed him into the pristine home. The girls were at their mom’s, watching a new Disney movie. I’d conveniently left Foxy with Teresa and Jacob next door, in case James wanted to officially meet him.

“I brought something else.” My voice cracked, and his brow lifted. I untied the trench coat belt at my front and let it fall off my shoulders. The fabric pooled around my feet.

James sucked in a sharp breath and drank me in from the bottom up. “Holy shit.”

There was the reaction I’d been hoping for.

I spun around, and he hurried to close the door. Thrills bubbled inside me. He picked up my jacket and set it on a hook by the main door.

“I love your choice of clothing. Let me guess: this is Grace’s doing?”
