Page 127 of Cruel Is My Court

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“You, princess.”

“For the last time, I’m no princess.” I laughed, glad to be on familiar ground, at last.

“Oh, but you are. Doubly so, as it turns out.” Raziel’s ticklish fingers danced lightly down my upper arm, Zor watching intently. At the foot of the bed, a silver wolf’s head popped up, forest green eyes blinking down at me as I yelped, pulling my feet out from beneath him.

Not a fuzzy blanket at all.

Oh my gods…I was using Tavion Montgomery as a foot warmer.

“Why are you here?” I murmured, wondering why Tavion was lying on the foot of the bed, and why he was still a wolf. He didn’t do anything except prowl closer and lay back down on my feet, setting his huge head on his front paws and watching me with those unblinking eyes.

“Because while you were sleeping, we all came to an agreement,” Zor said calmly, as if having all of them in the same bed with me was perfectly normal. “Including Tristan, who’s out rounding up horses for us and your mother, who revealed some pretty intense secrets last night.”

My mother hadintense secrets?

“The question is, Anaria, do you want to hear those secrets from us…or from Adele?” Zor’s mouth hardened, rigid lines forming at the sides of his mouth. “Some of them…might be hard to accept, at least at first.”

I gripped the blankets and closed my eyes.

No. I wasn’t ready for secrets.

I wanted an hour, one hour of peace and quiet without my life being disrupted by…whatever this newest disaster was. And besides, what sort ofsecretscould Adele possibly have?

She’d been locked away my entire life.

Plus I was still processing how I had three gorgeous Fae males…okay, two males and a wolf shifter…in my bed.

“Later,” I decided, my weariness flooding back as if it had never left. “Right now, I need a bath.” I raked them over with my gaze. “Alone.”

“Pity. I thought I could scrub your back.” Raz climbed out of bed, his perfectly muscled arse on full display, and when he turned…my eyes went wide as he stroked his thick length with not a shred of embarrassment.

I turned bright red on his behalf, and Zor chuckled.

Raz’s grin lit up the entire room. “I’m going to take a piss. I’ll be back.”

“Don’t rush,” Zor murmured, taking my hand and flattening my palm back against his chest, over the mark. I brushed my thumb over it and the lightning strike on my side throbbed, Zor’s throat bobbing.

“We do have time. It’ll take Tristan an hour to get the horses ready.”

“He won’t be happy about being relegated to stable duty,” I murmured.

“No, he won’t,” Zor agreed. Then he leaned in and pressed his mouth against mine, gently, as if testing the waters. I kissed him back harder than he kissed me, deeper, more demanding, my own question that I needed an answer to.

The silver wolf leapt off the bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight, but he didn’t go further than the foot of the bed, settling onto the floor, those green eyes watching me.

Tavion wasn’t leaving.

I should have been embarrassed, yet somehow, I found that comforting.

Zor’s calloused hand cradled my cheek with such gentleness, his mouth moving against mine, and I thought of how close we’d come to never having this moment, to never knowing this kind of pleasure.

Without breaking the kiss, Zor flipped me onto my back, his body moving against mine, as if he put all of himself into this kiss, into loving me, my legs falling open to accept him.

My hands and lips memorized every delicious, gorgeous inch of him, every divot and angle, every scar, wondering when and how he’d gotten them and everything I didn’t know about this male but wished I did.

Zor’s fingers explored me with the same thoroughness, his low, rough hiss when he ran his fingers through my slick folds turning to a low, needy groan when he plunged them into his mouth and licked off my juices. Then he kissed me, and I closed my eyes, tasting myself on his tongue.

This was what being consumed alive must be like.
