Page 128 of Cruel Is My Court

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I wanted him to devour me right now.

When I opened my eyes, the room was thick with black magic, and behind him…rising above Zor were two enormous wings. Perfectly formed, ebony as the night, feathers as long as my arms.

“What are you looking at?” He leaned closer, his hair framing our faces, and then there was only him. Perfect. Beautiful. Powerful. “Zorander.” His name slipped out; I couldn’t help myself.

A war god, from some dark world.

And right now, he belonged to me. The world disappeared completely when his weight settled against me, his face strong and fierce and proud, his cock nudging at my entrance, my hand still flattened over his heart where I’d marked him as mine.

“Anaria?” He pushed up on one arm, the question written in his eyes.

“Yes. Always yes,” I breathed, tugging him back to my mouth. “You taste like storm clouds and thunder. I can’t get enough of you.”

He laughed against my lips. “I should be saying that to you, princess.”

Zor thrust into me with one powerful stroke, and we fit together so perfectly, my channel tightening, his soft gasp of surprise sending a jolt straight through me. I savored every sound he made, every brush of him against me.

This felt different than before. Not the frantic, rough pairing in Deepwood, but slow and thorough, a celebration of our souls, not a conquest of our bodies, and I closed my eyes and let myself fall deeper into this consuming pleasure.

“Anaria.” My eyes fluttered open. “Look at me. I want to see you.”

My blood was roaring, my body straining as need climbed higher and higher toward a precipice just out of reach. He leaned in, brushed his lips across mine, then pulled away, and I fell into his eyes, disappearing into the whirlpool of emotion swirling there, sucking me down and down and down.

I never wanted to come back up.

This was pleasure like I’d never imagined, and deep within me, darkness coiled with my magic, twisting tighter and tighter, as if our coupling had another, deeper level, one that could not be seen, only felt.

Soul deep, if there was such a thing.

Zor kept his pace slow and leisurely, as if he was drawing this out as long as he could manage. His arms shook from the strain, his chest now slippery beneath my palm, my hips rising to meet every deep stroke, my legs wrapped around him, ankles crossed, trying to urge him deeper.

My pleasure deepened into a slow, heavy weight, vaster than the both of us, stretching out past us, out through the stars. I could almost feel their glittering coldness as pleasure built to a crescendo, my hips rolling beneath his, my core clenching around him as if I could hold us together forever.

Like this.Just like this.

I never wanted this to end. I wanted every memory, every thought, everything from him, and in return I would give him every last piece of me and not regret it.

“Come for me, Anaria. Let me watch you fall apart.”

Those words and that deep, commanding voice rumbled through me like thunder.

And with them, the universe shattered apart, stars exploding behind my closed eyes, my body trembling beneath the force of my release that didn’t seem to have an end. Zor groaned out my name, pumping into me with one final, mighty push before he followed me over the edge, both of us tumbling down together.

I opened my eyes to find Zor staring down at me, his dark eyes revealing everything he couldn’t say.I love you. I need you. Not even death can take me away.

“I know,” I told him, stroking his cheek. “I know.”

I loved him. I loved them all. And I didn’t know what to do with that. Love like this seemed too big a responsibility, juggling all these males, and yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

There was a sweep of freezing air, the whisper of wolf-quiet paws heading for the door, then a thump and a low curse that could have only come from Raziel.

“Did you miss me, princess?” Raz crooned, ruining everything by pressing his freezing body the full length of mine. When I tried to wiggle away, he just chuckled and trapped me with his cold, powerful legs that had to be made of solid ice.

Then he was nibbling along my shoulder, and my protests faded away. “Relax, Anaria. Relax for me.”

“Kind of hard to do when you’re freezing arse cold, Raz.” He just chuckled and sank his teeth into my shoulder with a needy groan.

I shouldn’t want this again so soon.
