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Maybe I should do what my parents want and get a job at a hospital, but the thought leaves me hollow.

I’ll miss Walter, but there’s not much else to miss about New York.

Except for a certain prickly A&R director. I think about Mindy’s embarrassment and her crankiness, and I can’t help but smile.



“Will you pass me the peanut sauce?” I ask Piper.

She hands over the porcelain dish before skewering a piece of chicken with a gold-plated fork. “When are you going back to Whitby?”

It’s been almost a week since my disastrous non-interview with Last Chance Records. I’ve spent the entire time reconciling myself to the fact that I have to move back home and trying to view it as an opportunity instead of a failure.

But now, eating dinner with Oliver and Piper under a gleaming crystal chandelier surrounded by opulence, failure is a weight pressing me down, making it hard to breathe.

“As soon as I can rent out my apartment. You interested?” I ask, half kidding.

I don’t want to rent out my apartment at all, but Piper would at least be better than a complete stranger. When I bought my own place five years ago, it was like I had trulymade itin New York. It’s a symbol of my success. Now it’s like I’m giving up on all my dreams.

I doubt Piper is interested in renting anything since she sleeps at Oliver’s almost every night. Honestly, I think she stays with me now and again out of pity and to make sure I don’t lapse into a totally incoherent state of depression.

I can’t blame her for preferring his place over mine. Oliver owns an entire building near Central Park. It’s like a palace.

She glances over at Oliver.

One corner of his mouth tips up. “You might need somewhere to go when you need to get away from me.”

A crease forms between her brows. “I never want to get away from you.”

He waves a hand. “You know, those incredibly rare occasions when I’m being an overbearing ass.”

A masculine voice speaks up from the doorway. “You mean those incredibly rare occasions called every day that ends in a Y?”

Oliver frowns at Carson as he enters the dining room. “You’re back already?”

“Don’t be so thrilled to see me. Hey, Mindy, Piper.” Carson shucks off his gray suit jacket, slinging it over the back of the creamy cushioned chair, and then drops into the chair next to me. “What are we eating?”

“Chicken satay, peanut sauce, rice, salad.” I point out each dish to him.

“Sounds fantastic. I’m starving.” He glances around the table and then down at his tie and vest. “And overdressed.” He loosens his tie with one hand while grabbing a few chicken skewers with the other and plopping them on his plate.

Despite the luxurious surroundings, we’re all wearing jeans, even Oliver, who used to live in his three-piece suit. The change in his attire, and attitude, is all thanks to Piper. She definitely smoothed out at least some of his rough edges.

Piper stands, grabbing the bottle of wine nearby to pour some into Carson’s empty wineglass. “The date didn’t go well?”

“Men are the worst.” Carson reaches over, tipping her hand to get her to fill it up more.

“Hear, hear,” I lift my stem. “Present company excluded, mostly.”

Carson laughs as we clink glasses.

“What happened?” Piper asks.

“He showed up, we had a drink, and he was meh,” he makes a face. “And so I left. What were you talking about when I came in? Is Oliver being an ass again?” He dishes rice onto his plate.

Oliver gives him a narrow-eyed look but doesn’t respond.
