Page 31 of Some Like It Fox

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“Thanks for driving me... again. You could have made Jake do it.”

I shrug. “He likes to stay up late with the older kids. Keeps him distracted.”

Her gaze hits the side of my face, the weight of it almost a physical caress. “Did he tell you that?”

“He did.” I glance over at her and our eyes lock for a penetrating second.

I quickly aim my gaze at the road ahead.

I’ve grown closer to Taylor’s family over the past few months, especially Jake. Life dealt him some shit at a young age, and under the bravado, he’s just doing his best to get by. The camp, the kids, and all the activities are the perfect distraction from his relentless demons. Nights are the worst for Jake. It’s when his thoughts are the loudest.

“You’ve gotten close with my family.”

I peek over at her again, gauging her reaction since her words had no inflection. Her words mirror my thoughts so closely. “Does that bother you?”

“No,” she answers quickly. “Not at all. Did you tell them about,” her hand waves in the air, a motion I catch out of the corner of my eye, “us?”

Ah. “No. I suppose this means you haven’t told them anything either?”

She chuckles. “No.”


It was one night of passion. We’re both adults. It’s no big deal, right?

I bring the cart to a stop in front of the main house, an echo of when I dropped her off earlier.

“Thanks.” She shifts, turning to face me, her face shadowed by the glow of the porch light behind her. “So.” She bites her lip. “Do you want to come inside? We could, ah, eat together, or something?”

“Or something?”

She gives me a slow smile in response.

An intense jolt of lust hardens my length immediately, pressing against the fly of my pants like the organ has a direct connection to her words.

Clearly, the answer my body wants to give ishell yes.

But something holds me back, and I’m not sure I can articulate it. She’s leaving. I’m staying. Will this make things weird since I work for her family? The same family that will be arriving back at the house within the hour. Maybe she’s not suggesting what I think she’s suggesting.

“Are we really talking about food?”

She leans toward me. “Food. Sex. Yes. A fling might be fun, while I’m here. Don’t you think?”

I swallow. “What about Jake? He’ll be home soon.”

She blinks. “Maybe later tonight, then? What cabin are you staying in? I can come to you.”

My hands tighten around the steering wheel, wishing for the first time I was living on site. “I’m staying at home. I’ve been housesitting.”

“Your family is gone?”

“Paul and Moira are home now, but they’re leaving again in a couple of days.”

Her head tilts. “Again?”

“They’re spending their retirement traveling across the country in their RV but they come home now and then.”

Her lips purse in thought. “That complicates things.” She sticks out her hand, palm up. “Let me see your phone.”
