Page 57 of Some Like It Fox

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That chest. Those arms. His mouth, dark pink and puffy from kissing me.

Heat rushes through my body, head to toe, despite the fact that we’ve spent the past I-don’t-even-know-how-many hours bringing each other to orgasm over and over. I lost count after four, but one look, one glance at his naked body and I’m ready all over again.

It’s never been like this with anyone else.

Of course no one else has been able to translate my body like a book written in a language only he can read.

I shove the horny thoughts to the side and focus on the conversation at hand. Finley. I can’t be having sexy thoughts while I’m talking to my sister and I have to explain our whereabouts for the past six hours without telling her that I’m naked with her employee.

“We’re at Atticus’s house.” When prevaricating, it’s always best to stick as close to the truth as possible.

Also find ways to delay for time to think of something.

“What are you doing there?”

I grimace at Atticus.

He shrugs.


“Our hike took a little longer than we anticipated. We had a little incident with a raccoon up on the trail.”

“Oh no. Are you okay? I’ve had run-ins with those sneaky little buggers on the property.” She sounds almost nostalgic about it.

“This one was not little. And it had rabies. Or babies. It was a babies-rabies-riddled raccoon.”

Atticus shakes his head, laughing quietly.

Finley’s voice goes dreamy. “Right after we first met, Archer saved me from a raccoon that had taken up residence in one of the cabins. That’s when I knew he was a keeper.”

Still pressing the phone to my ear, I glance up and lock eyes with Atticus.

He smiles and it’s like a punch to the chest.

I bite my lip, looking away. “Anyway, uh, we headed back down the mountain and then stopped here because Atticus forgot his phone.” I wink at him. That will cover any calls he missed from Finley. I’m a lying genius. “We haven’t eaten anything except granola bars and trail food all day, so we’re going to grab something to eat before I come home. I might need to run by Veronica’s too.” Just in case I need to have him one extra time.

He slides over the bed toward me, running his lips over the outside of my thigh, causing tingles to race over the surface of my skin.

“You want to eat with us? Archer is making fried chicken.”

“Actually, Atticus already started cooking.”

His finger, inching up my inner thigh halts halfway there. His brows lift. “Cooking?” he mouths.

“Okay. Tell Atticus to give me a briefing of the hike, including any potential raccoon threats we need to worry about, in the morning.”

“I’ll let him know.”

We hang up and I toss my phone into the pile of clothes on the floor where it lands with a soft thunk.

Atticus wraps his arms around my waist, kissing the curve of my side.

“That tickles.”

In response, he blows a raspberry into the same spot and the giggle escalates into laughter.

He hauls my leg toward him. I slide onto my back and then he crawls up and over me, his hands on either side of my head and his hips pressing against mine, his hardness pushing between my legs.
