Page 1 of Ink Me Bunny

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“Nextstop—HuntingtonBeach,California.Len, you have to come here, you’re going to fall in love with this place.”

I stare at the postcard on my windshield, the words are scribbled in faded black ink.

Well, I’m here.

My new home.

I squish my hands between my thighs, the rustle my fingernails create against the fabric stills everything as I get lost in it.

For as long as I can remember, my brain has been occupied with examining my environment in order to turn it into images on paper while music played in my ears.

The world was composed of different song themes and the notes piqued my curiosity the more I spent my time outdoors. Chasing a new adventure. Capturing a new memory. Leaving my footprints on sandy beaches along the coast.

I spent more time in the ocean trying to figure out a new move my brother showed me than I spent on land. Catching waves was the highlight of my day and watching him hovering above the water on his surfboard, amplified his connection to the ocean.

He used to laugh about my fear of sharks because every time I caught a wave I was more occupied scanning the area for a lurking creature with a fin than riding it. Until one day I wasn’t afraid anymore. I surrendered. I had to, otherwise, surfing was impossible.

Much like drawing when I thought about it too much, it deteriorated.

Surfing wasn’t the only thing on my mind though. It was an enjoyment unlike any other, and watching my brother’s passion for it filled me inside. I knew mine was between the pages of a notebook, drawing the landscapes my eyes analyzed every minute of every hour.

The pages kept filling themselves with more and more ideas.

My parents were always free-spirited people. They let me roam freely wherever I wanted to go as long as I was with my older brother who always knew how to have a good time.

The life of the party.

“Why did you name your van, Bette?” I question Jamey and a wicked smirk crosses his face.

He flips my skateboard expertly underneath his feet. “Bette Davis Eyes… me and Bette are going to turn heads. Just wait and see.”

In total amusement I reply, “She needs a bath. She’s filthy and someone drew a dick on her window.” I shake my head sideways, “Barbarians.” Inside I’m dying not to laugh.

Jamey can’t contain his laughter, “That was Dad.” He cracks to himself. “It was her initiation ceremony. Now she’s part of the family.” The family salacious stamp.

Growing up with parents who involved sex in regular conversations was a breath of fresh air, that open channel made them accessible to us. Jamey and I felt a lot more confident talking to them about things we were dealing with as teenagers. And they trusted us to be responsible enough to go out there and explore.

As Jamey’s little shadow, I mimicked every cool thing he did, including his favorite extreme sports, a few of which I continued to participate in until this day.

He taught me what it’s like to take advantage of every moment and by coming here I’m fulfilling this precious lesson.

I never wanted too much, the little I had was always enough for me, still is. It’s the simplicity that draws me in—the peace in not having much you need to control or worry about.

I still dream big because that’s part of a healthy life. Always aspire to do better and fulfill as many dreams as possible before time runs out.

Today is a major check on my bucket list.

The rays of light that are heating my flesh through the glass pull me out of my drifting thoughts.

I quickly grab my things, get out of Bette, my van, and shut the door behind me.

My legs skid down the street on my skateboard, it moves smoothly when I flip it and land on it again. I designed it with strokes of vibrant shades that cover each side, and it certainly catches the attention of passersby roaming the streets.

Under azure skies, rows of palm trees cross my peripheral as I glide on the sidewalk.

A wide grin crosses my face as the bass of another song drops into my ear canals through my earphones, causing me to bob my head and jut my hips.
