Page 2 of Ink Me Bunny

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The board stirs to my commands, and when a guitar solo plays I can’t deny myself the pleasure of strumming on an invisible guitar to myself and for the entire street to witness because it is so. Damn. Good.

I’m freaking excited for this job. Nothing stands in my way of getting this dream position with one of the most talented tattoo artists in the business. I can’t believe he chose me out of everyone, and I know there must be tons of talented artists sending their applications.

I’m pretty sure I only got it because of my last boss’s high praise. I’m so glad she didn’t resent me for leaving her and coming here to try and land this apprenticeship atInk Me Walker.

I’m a baby shark swimming in a sea full of monster sharks, but one day I’ll become one, it’s inevitable.

I want people to want me to ink them, even though I’m new, it doesn’t make me less. I work really hard and my designs are proof of that. So are my inking skills.

Despite my optimism, I never set my expectations too high. Nothing is for certain; if you think it is, you’re wrong.

July may be my lucky month.

Whether I land this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity or not, I can always treat myself to some pizza.


I halt, pushing down the curved bottom of the board with my leg, I catch it with my hand and tuck it to my hip.

As I’m replaying my morning sequence in my head the realization strikes me, I forgot my purse.

Excitement will be damned, but I’m sure anyone would lose their head when they’re about to meet Dean Walker.

I’ve been following his work on social media for seven years and he’s only getting better. Eight months ago he started messaging me on the app and it became more than just following him.

Dean Walker: Nice work! Looks spotless.

Lennon Quinn: Thank you so much, it means a lot coming from you.

Dean Walker: Sure! Hey, I learn every day.

Lennon Quinn: I doubt it…

Dean Walker: If you presume to know everything in your craft your journey is over. I am good because I never stop practicing.

Lennon Quinn: That’s very true. Is there another tip you can give?

Dean Walker: Well I’m not sure which one you refer to so I’ll go with a word of advice.

Lennon Quinn: OMG! I’m sorry!! It sounded less dirty in my head.

Dean Walker: Don’t be! I like people who get that sense of humor.

Lennon Quinn: Good! Dirty-mouthed genes run in the family everyone had to participate at an early age otherwise you were banned from the tribe. Hahaha.

Dean Walker: Sounds like a good time.

Lennon Quinn: It was… so your advice?

Dean Walker: Believe in yourself. And whenever you get the chance to observe those who tattoo around you, take it.

Lennon Quinn: Thank you so much!

Dean Walker: Anytime.

It stunned me when I first received a message from him complimenting my work. And then he would just send me messages all the time about different designs and tattoos I worked on at the time.

I couldn’t resist the temptation of starting those conversations with him as well when all I wanted was to read his words, hear the sound of his voice, or simply spend my time with him. It was enough for me, even behind the screen in the comfort of my home.

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