Page 34 of Ink Me Bunny

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He simpers.

He’s such a lunatic sometimes. I know he has something important to show me based on this little display and the fact I know him so well.

His blond hair sticks to his forehead and the sides of his sweaty face. His blue eyes—identical to mine—shine in revere. Lately, he has been showing off the muscles he works hard to build and that surfer’s tan is a permanent signature on his skin.

When a set of white teeth crosses his face like a Cheshire cat, Jamey is up to something, or better, already has something cooking under his sleeve.

“Do you remember that tattoo artist I showed you from Huntington Beach?” he pulls his phone out of the pocket of his boardshorts. “Dean Walker.”

I remember he was super excited about him, and said he is a hell of an artist who has a mile-long waiting list.

I, on the other hand, forgot words existed when I saw his picture.

He is scorching hot I won’t lie.

Drawing speaks volumes to me and I know he showed me his designs because of that, oddly, what kept me flabbergasted was his humbleness.

The fame usually spills a veil over its recipients and blinds them over what truly matters.

It didn’t affect him in the slightest.

He maintained such calmness, care, and patience toward everyone he came across.

That’s not something you see every day. The rarest diamond doesn’t have to shine the brightest to be known it is one, it simply does because its quality outshines the rest.

“Well… your brother just booked a session with him.” All pumped up, he says, “In four months, right after my trip.”

I hop off of the stool and hug his broad form while I ruffle his shaggy hair. “OMG, Jam! I’m so excited for you.”

“I can’t fucking believe it.” The glimmer of effervesce reflects in his eyes. Even the sound of his voice transfers potent energy.

Raising my eyebrows, I remark in a determined tone, “Fucking believe it.”

“Maybe now is the time to ask you to work on a design for me, I want him to tattoo a piece my sister drew, and mix it with his style, that way I get something from both of you.” He clarifies, crushing the side of his mouth to his cheek. “I want a jellyfish.”

I look at him in awe, “I’d be honored if Dean would agree to use it.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll use my eloquent skills.” He smiles widely. “Devil knows I’m not lacking any speech capabilities. I woo them with class.”

I roll my eyes as I go back to my stool to finish my work, “Jam?”


“You can woo your way out of here.”

“Don’t be jealous, Len, your eighteen birthday is coming soon and I know I’m going to hear all about the boys who are chasing my little sister.” He ruffles my hair and heads to the door. “Don’t let these bastards win you so fast, give them hell.”

“You know some boys already tried to,” I comment.

He stills in the doorway, “I know, but I want you to know that if you ever need me, doesn’t matter when, doesn’t matter where, I’ll always come for you. And run them over with Bette.”

We laugh in unison.

“The last part was a joke,” he winks at me before he exits and then I hear him say, “Or is it.”

My brother showed me what it’s like to grow up next to a reliable man, with tons of confidence and a good heart. That is a gigantic gift he gave me. A source of endless inspiration and support. That’s all I could ask for, that is all anyone can ask for.

If I could go back in time I wouldn’t change a damn thing. I would simply embrace each moment I shared with him all over again.

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