Page 35 of Zero Pointer

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“Don’t look so crestfallen, kid. You just saved the team’s reputation. If you think they turned out to watch us at Cliffside, imagine what next week’s home game will be like. This way.”

I brightened, letting him tow me along. “Where’re we going, and have I broken out of bitch spot status yet?”

Beau barked a laugh. “Hell, no. A few more games like today’s and maybe I’ll trade spots with you, deal?”


“Good. Now shut up while I introduce you to our sponsors.” He sent me a wink, planting me beside a blonde with the kind of skyscraper heels that would turn a stripper green and fake tits that didn’t move half as much as she did.

I shook hands with Mandy, noting her tits still pointed straight out beneath her low cut red top, and nodded to a woman closer to my mother’s age on her other side. Beau chatted amicably while I tried to follow the conversation before he brought me into it.

“Nate’s a natural. He’d be brilliant in one of your commercials. Knock him out with the ball again and revive him with your drink, hey? Yeah?” He nodded enthusiastically, a totally different beast emerging as the older woman shook her head.

“Beau, I swear you should be the head of my marketing department. Alongside Mandy, of course,” she added.

“Nate, this is Pauline. Powerhouse chemical engineer by trade, CEO, and makes the best choc chip cookies you’ve ever had, including your mom’s.” He winked again, switching places with me. “Why don’t you two talk thirty seconds of fame while Mandy and I discuss next year’s, uh...” He trailed off, looking down at the twenty-something bombshell as his fingers found the waistline of her skirt, grazing over her epic bubble butt.

“Fun times.” I raised an eyebrow.So it’s like that, huh?

He laughed softly, shooting me a cocky look and a chin jerk that readread and weep, baby.“Remember, afterparty tonight. You’re Rippton’s new lacrosse hero to revere.”

Relieved he didn’t seem too put out about the whole thing, I made the connection with Pauline, managing to get a promise for a tray of cookies at some future occasion while our glorious captain did his duty with the marketing floozy.

Walking back to the bus, I glanced around but there was no sign of the girl from the stands. All the buses except for ours were long departed, and even Beau beat me to the steps.

“Man, how long you take with her? I thought the old broads were the fastest.” He shot me a lecherous grin.

“If you’re always such a shitty winner, I might not help out in the next game,” I coaxed, then glanced down. “Lippy on your jock sock, man.”

“You’re kidding.” Beau looked down, frowning his disgust and swiped at his pants.

“Yep. I am.” I boarded the bus to my captain’s amused snort and the cheers of my teammates. Even the bus driver, Lil’ Ol’ Larry–true story–turned up his hearing aid and high fived me.

Yep, year one at Rippton U was going to be a very good fucking year.

