Page 21 of Tainted Promise

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Freya jumped in the air. “Yay. I love dress shopping. I’ll text Mom to let her know to meet us at Olli’s. They have the most amazing clothes and shoes.”

Althea had run into a friend and waved us on when it became clear they’d be a while.

“Three dresses. No more.”

Freya widened her eyes dramatically. “No way. You’ll need at least five. Gabriel can afford it.”

After I paid for my purchases, we made our way to the boutique, Freya helping me carry my bags. I might have gone a little overboard.

She waved, the bags in her hand flying from side to side. “There’s Mom.”

Althea’s eyes sparkled with amusement as she took in our bags. “I was only gone for an hour.”

I laughed, shrugging. “I’ve never really been shopping before, so I might have gone a little overboard.”

Both women stilled, staring at me. Freya found her voice first. “You’ve never been shopping before?”

My happy glow was replaced with discomfort at their intense scrutiny. “I only shopped online. The mall wasn’t on the approved list of places to visit.” Not that there had been many places I had been allowed to go to.

Freya’s mouth opened and shut before she found her voice again. “There was a list?”

Knowing I’d already said too much, I shrugged and forced a smile on my face. “Let’s have a look at some dresses.”

Freya and Althea exchanged a glance but didn’t say anything else.

We piled into the small boutique that was crammed full of beautiful dresses, shoes, and jewelry. It was cluttered, and ball gowns hung next to leather mini dresses and straps. I couldn’t identify what they were used for.

Freya had already set down the bags she’d been carrying, gesturing for me to do the same before greeting the girl behind the counter. “Hey, Lindy. How are you?”

“Freya. It’s been a while. You looking for a new dress for one of your fancy balls?”

“We’re shopping for my sister-in-law today.” Waving me over, she put an arm around my shoulders since we were nearly the same height. “She needs some outfits to wow my brother with. A few ball gowns and cocktail dresses should be a good start.”

Lindy nodded, walking up to a rack packed tight with dresses of all colors. “Do you have a particular style or color in mind?”

Unsure of what I actually liked, I frowned at her. “Not really. As long as it’s not backless or has thin straps.”

The scars I had on my back from Aleksándr’s many punishments weren’t just ugly. They’d also raise too many questions. Gabriel not staying at the house or wanting to sleep with me meant I could avoid him seeing them. Althea hadn’t mentioned them again, and I hoped she’d ignore ever having seen them.

Freya towed me along with her. “Surprise us.”

Within five minutes, Lindy had picked out at least ten dresses and was steering us to the dressing rooms. Freya and Althea took a seat in the chairs facing the curtain while I disappeared to change.

As soon as I’d slipped on the first dress, I knew why we’d come here. The material was velvety soft and fit as if it were made for me. The deep red color was daring, the cut elegant. It even had a little train.

When I emerged wearing my new favorite dress, Althea and Freya jumped up, arranging the layers around me.

Freya took my hands, holding them out wide. “It’s perfect. You have to get it.”

Althea stepped back, taking me in from head to toe. “You look lovely, honey.”

Throat suddenly too tight to speak, I nodded, then escaped back into the safety of the change room. With a deep breath, I took off the dress, pushing thoughts of their kindness and my desire to truly become a part of their family out of my mind. Because once they found out what I had been sent to do, they would only ever look at me with hate.

We walked out of the boutique with eight dresses, each more beautiful than the last.

Freya bumped her shoulder into mine. “Let’s put the bags in the car and then get lunch. I’m starving. And this is my last chance to enjoy something other than diner food or pizza until I get back next week.”

Freya split her time between Ferguson—a small town in Washington—and Chicago. She’d been staying in Chicago more and more, especially since she wanted to spend more time with her family.
