Page 341 of Redfang Royal

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Reese nips my knuckle. “You know what I mean. We’re a team, Solly Baby.”

“How long is this going to take?” When Lilah snags the lead doctor, her pack backs up her scowl.

“Please be patient.” The doctor stiffens, her gaze flicking to me for help. “We’re breaking new scientific ground.”

What else is new?

I wave the woman back to work. “Take your time. I don’t want to know anything until you’re sure.”

From the depths of her alpha-sized hoodie, Lilah puffs up like an irritated cat. “Keep playing calm. I need to know if I’m going to be an auntie.”

“I’m not playing.” Surrounded by so much love and care, I find myself smiling through the nervous flutter. “And I’m not calm.”

I can’t imagine what expression I make while the staff tests samples, trades heated whispers, and dances around the clinic, reading out numbers that mean nothing and everything.

I’m just…here.

Feeling it all with my pack.

Our bond tangles.

Hope, worry, fear, excitement.

I don’t know which is mine and which is theirs. It’s all ours, and I don’t bother trying to hide my share of the swirl.

Finally, the doctor huddles with her team.

One last double-check that stops my breath.

She scurries over, beaming too bright to keep us in suspense. “We tested five times. Five out five results were positive for pregnancy.”

A smile I’ve never felt before blooms from my soul—big, breathless, and totally unstoppable.

I’m kissed and purred and passed around, the bond as chaotic as my pulse.

Holy shit.

Is this really real?

“Solly!” Dutch rubs my belly through the tangle of bodies. “We’re gonna have a baby gamma! A whole army of baby gammas!”

“No.” I cover his well-meaning hand. “I’m the army.”

My kids aren’t going to fight.

I don’t want them bearing any of my bullshit.

Somewhere between kisses, I lock teary eyes with Lilah.

She nods.

She’s the army, too.

Dutch bawls, Reese opens his phone to search for tiny sneakers, and Bish starts harassing the doctors over prenatal supplements. Jin holds me tight, murmuring my name over and over. “Marisol. Marisol Meadows.”

Now the world knows that gammas exist.

If there are more of us, I’ll find them and fight to keep them free.

I’m going to be all the things I never believed I’d get to be.

Most of all, I’m going to be happy.

And I’m going to raise our kids so they know:

Before you existed, you were loved.

Just be yourself.

And do whatever the hell you want.
