Page 33 of Bad Habits

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“What are you doing?”

I looked up from the sofa with a frown. “Watching TV.”

“Why aren’t you dressed?”

I glanced at my T-shirt. “I have clothes on.”

“Gage, your mom is going to be here any minute.”


My mother had wiped my ass for the first eighteen months of my life. I was pretty sure she could handle seeing me in a pair of old sweats.

Nathan groaned and dragged his hands through his hair. “We’re supposed to have lunch and go Christmas shopping.”

Nope. I had never agreed to that, and there was no force in heaven or on earth that would make me voluntarily step foot inside the Galleria at this time of year.

I didn’t say that, though. Instead, I opted for a diplomatic approach.

“You know that’s not really my thing. You two will have a lot more fun without me.” At this point, I was pretty sure my mom loved him more than she did me, anyway. “Besides,” I added when it looked like he would argue. “How are you supposed to buy me a Christmas present while I’m with you?”

“But we were going to take pictures with Santa.”

I’d seen too many adults gathered around the mall Santa for photos to argue it was a kids-only activity. “Nate—”


“I’ll go next time.” I wouldn’t be swayed by his adorable pout or those big puppy-dog eyes.

“I already promised your mom I would go, but I really want to spend time with you.”

No. Not happening. I absolutely was not going to the fucking mall on a Saturday a week before Christmas.

“Please?” His voice was soft and pleading, and he had the cutest little wrinkle between his eyebrows.

I admitted to indulging him often, but this time, I wasn’t budging. I had made my decision, and nothing—

“It would make me really happy. Please?”

Ah, fuck.

I pushed up from the sofa and headed into the bedroom to change.
