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"A mistake with what?" He asks.

"Is it worth it for you? You know --- I mean --- I meant what I said last night. I am not worth losing your family over." His son is far more important than me. I'd get over losing him; a little boy never gets over losing his dad.

"No, No, No Gianna." He pulls me into his arms, wrapping me up in his body. "You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and to Taylor and you are worth the world. I am not going to lose my family. You are my family."

"I just feel like Taylor should be the main focus here. What is best for Taylor?"

Hudson lets me go. I lean back on the couch and sip my coffee again. Trying not to make eye contact, because my eyes can't handle any more tears right now. I need more sleep. I need --- I don't know what I need but I feel stressed and wrung out.

I feel as though I should be pulling away from Hudson, to keep him and Taylor safe. I feel like maybe it is my responsibility to not let them get hurt anymore. I am causing so much drama for them without ever intending to.

"Let's just go for a walk, Gi. We will both feel better." He says the words but he doesn't sound convincing.

I reach for my phone to check what the time is but as I do, he says "Don't. Er --- don't go online." He cautions me.

Of course.

The videos.

Social media must be on fire with the videos from last night. Frustrated I put my phone back down. Hudson and I sit in silence. He is leaning forward on the couch. Staring at his feet. There is nothing more to say.

After some time, he whispers. "I am not giving up on us, Gianna."

"I know. Me either."

But neither of us reaches out to touch the other and it feels like there is a wall between us.

Maybe I am making a mistake. Maybe the best thing for everyone is if I just do what I know I should do and walk away for good. But I can't. I can't let him go --- and I don't want to try either.



Isit at the lawyer's boardroom table. My ex-wife is sitting opposite me smirking. I have won the custody battle. But I felt empty.

The contract lying on the table in front of me is stark white and glaringly hideous.

Karla is evil to the bone. She has proven it again today.

Most of the contract is pretty standard for a custody case, most of it. One clause stands out though.

Karla is willing to walk away and give me full custody of Taylor on one condition. I am not allowed to be in a relationship with Gianna.

That was it. Such simple words. There is no misunderstanding to be had. But the impact is monstrous.

Karla is a monster.

She knows exactly how to inflict pain and she delivers it with a sharpened blade. All she cares about is hurting me. She doesn't even care about the consequences her actions will have on her own son.

I look at my lawyer. He has not spoken since I sat down to read the contract. He has already read it and he knows which clause will be the one to cause issues. He can see that I am at a loss for words and knows it is better if I hold my words back at this moment rather than saying something I will regret. He turns to my ex-wife's lawyer.

"Thank you for your time. We will take a few days to go over the contract properly and will come back to you when we are ready." Trying to buy me time and avoid yet another day in court.

Karla leaps out of her seat, "No! He has to sign now!"

"Please, sit down." Her lawyer reaches out and touches her arm. I can sense his embarrassment, "They have every right to take the time they need to read through your offer."

He turns to my lawyer. "We will wait to hear from you."

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