Page 14 of Always, For Love

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"Thank you, Mrs. Hayden," Ariel replied, her voice thick with emotion. "I can't believe the big day is almost here."

"Time flies when you're planning a wedding," Charlene chimed in, her caregiving older sister instincts kicking in as she squeezed Ariel's hand reassuringly.

"Indeed, it does," Mrs. Hayden agreed. She gestured toward the fitting room, her silk scarf fluttering like a flag in a gentle breeze. "Your dress has been altered exactly as you requested, Ariel. I think you'll be very pleased with the results."

Ariel took a deep breath, trying to quell the butterflies in her stomach. This was the final step before her life would change forever. As she followed Mrs. Hayden to the fitting room, she couldn't help but wonder what her late mother would think of this moment, or how her estranged father would react if he were here. There was emotion upon emotion piling up today—Dale, and now the dress fitting.

"Here we are," Mrs. Hayden announced, holding the dressing room door open for Ariel. "Take your time, dear. We want everything to be perfect for your special day."

"Thank you," Ariel whispered, stepping into the fitting room.

Charlene stood by the door, offering a reassuring smile. "You're going to look amazing, Ariel," she said, her voice brimming with love and pride for her younger sister.

"Thank you, Charlie," Ariel replied, using her sister's nickname affectionately. "I wish Mom could be here to see this."

"Me too," Charlene replied softly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "But I know she'd be so proud of you and everything you've accomplished. The house, the café, just everything."

As Ariel prepared to slip into the wedding dress, her heart ached for the presence of their lost loved ones. Her heart was pounding in anticipation as she stepped into the luxurious wedding dress. The silk fabric glided over her skin like a gentle caress, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion as she pulled the dress up and zipped it at the back.

"Are you ready?" Mrs. Hayden asked softly from behind the fitting room curtain.

"Y-yes," Ariel stammered, her voice trembling with excitement and nervousness. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking another deep breath to steady herself before turning to face the full-length mirror.

As her eyes fluttered open, Ariel was greeted by a vision that momentarily stole her breath away. The stunning ivory gown hugged her figure in all the right places, accentuating her curves and complementing her porcelain skin. It featured an elegant sweetheart neckline that dipped slightly at the center, drawing attention to her delicate collarbones.

"Let me just make some final adjustments," Mrs. Hayden said softly, her skilled hands moving deftly as she to tuck and adjust the fabric. Ariel watched in awe as her reflection transformed before her eyes, the gown becoming a perfect fit.

The intricate lace of the dress seemed to tell a story of its own, with delicate floral patterns winding their way around her waist and cascading down the flowing skirt. The craftsmanship was impeccable, each stitch proof of the time and care that had been poured into creating this breathtaking work of art.

As Ariel's gaze followed the path of the lace, she noticed how it seemed to mimic the ebb and flow of the ocean waves – a fitting tribute to the small coastal town that was her home.

“It’s perfect,” Ariel breathed.

"It is perfect," Mrs. Hayden declared, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "You look absolutely stunning, my dear."

The silky fabric of the dress moved with Ariel as she stepped out of the fitting room and into the boutique's sitting area. Her heart fluttered in her chest, a mixture of excitement and apprehension as she anticipated Charlene's reaction.

"Charlie," Ariel called softly, her voice barely audible above the sound of laughter from a nearby group of bridesmaids that had come in after them.

Charlene, who had been leafing through a wedding magazine, looked up at the sound of her sister's voice. Her eyes widened when she saw Ariel standing in the doorway, looking like a vision in her elegant gown. She quickly stood up, the magazine falling to the floor, forgotten.

"Ar-Ariel," she stammered, her voice thick with emotion. "You look... you look absolutely incredible. You look so much like Mom."

Ariel felt a lump form in her throat as she watched her sister approach her, tears welling up in Charlene's eyes. She could see the unspoken memories playing across Charlene's face – the countless hours spent together in their mother's garden, the sun-drenched afternoons on the beach just beyond their childhood home, and the late-night talks filled with dreams and secrets that only sisters could share.

"Mom would have absolutely adored this dress," Ariel agreed, her voice barely above a whisper. “She would have insisted she could sew it herself, though.” A small laugh escaped her.

"Remember when she found that little lace shop in New York?" Charlene asked, her eyes twinkling with the memory. "How she spent hours looking for just the right pattern for my prom dress?"

"I do," Ariel nodded, smiling through her tears as the memory came flooding back. "She wanted everything to be perfect for us."

"And it was," Charlene said softly, reaching out to touch a delicate lace flower on Ariel's shoulder. "Just like today will be."

Their eyes met in a moment that seemed to suspend time. The sisters' expressions mirrored one another's - a mixture of joy, nostalgia, and bittersweet longing. It was as if, for that brief instant, they could reach across the years and touch the essence of the love and laughter they had shared growing up in Endless Harbor. The sisters stood together, united by the mother they had lost but whose spirit lived on within them.

Though their mother was no longer with them physically, her love would always be a part of who they were - woven into the fabric of their lives like the delicate lace of the wedding gown that now encircled Ariel with its silken embrace. A small, watery smile graced her lips as she reached out to take Charlie's hand. It was in this moment of profound connection that Mrs. Hayden chose to silently slip from the fitting room, her discreet departure granting the sisters the privacy they so desperately needed.

A bittersweet smile played on Ariel’s lips. "Those moments are what I cherish most about our time with Mom."
