Page 50 of Lock

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“Hmm.” The prez leaned forward. “Well, that’s a load of horseshit.”

He blinked. “What? I, uh…” What the hell?

Shaking his head, Curly rested his forearms on the desk and speared Lock with a look so intense his skin prickled. “I said it’s a load of horseshit. You gotta know not even one of us feels you let us down.”

He snorted. “You sure about that? Might wanna check with Jinx and Harper before you sing my praises.” Truth be told, he hadn’t been able to face Harper and barely tolerated being in the same room as Jinx since both were injured by a drug dealer Lock owed money to. There was no way they didn’t harbor hatred for him. Jinx loved Harper and would murder anyone who hurt her without blinking an eye. His loyalty to Curly had to be the only reason Lock still breathed.

“I am sure, and I don’t have to check with them.”

He leaned forward. “Curly, Jinx was fucking stabbed in the gut because he was trying to clean up my mess. His woman was attacked right out there!” He practically shouted as he thrust his hand toward the window.

Curly steepled his fingers under his chin. “Remember what a fucking asshole Spec was to Liv when she first got here?”

What the hell did that have to do with anything? “Yeah, I remember.”

“I won’t give you details because it’s his shit to share, but he felt responsible for her brother, his best friend’s death. So much that it had changed him into a dark and violent man. It ate at him day and night for more than a year. With Liv’s help, he’s let the guilt go and can finally breathe again.”

He was still a terrifying enemy, but Lock kept that to himself. Curly already knew his enforcer could be extreme.

A heavy sigh left him. “So you’re saying I just need to learn to let it go. Feels like I’ve heard that before.”

That had Curly chuckling. “Your therapist, perhaps?”

“Yep.” He ran a hand down his face. “Hate how he’s always goddamn right.”

“Talk to Jinx. Talk to Harper. I promise they understand pain and suffering. They know you were deep in it and don’t hold any grudges. None of us do. We’re just glad you’re back and better. Clean slate, okay? You don’t need to prove anything to me. Let it go before it drags you down again.”

He’d work on it all, but his mind wouldn’t change overnight. He’d need time to release the death grip guilt had on him. But he got it. Typically, the only times he craved a hit or fought urges to use were when guilt rode his ass hard. Letting it go would be the final hurdle, but it wasn’t easy. Some days, it took more effort than he worried he had to give.

But he’d damn well try because no matter what Curly said, he did need to prove something, even if only to himself.

“Thanks, Prez.”

Curly nodded. “You got anything going on right now?”

“Nah, need me for something?”

“Two big boxes came for Brooke. They were meant for the shelter but came here instead. Mind throwing them in the trailer and riding them out there for me?”

“Not at all.” He’d walk through fire if Curly asked.

“Thanks. They’re stacked on the porch. Don’t think it’s anything fragile.”

“I’ll do it right now.”

Curly held out a fist, which Lock bumped. They’d finished with the deep personal invasion, thank fuck.

Jinx was sitting at the bar when he left Curly’s office. It’d be the perfect opportunity to chat with the big guy, but despite Curly’s words, he wasn’t convinced Jinx wouldn’t rip him a new one. He spent too much time doing that to himself and couldn’t handle more now, so he called a quick hello and booked it outside.

The boxes weren’t heavy but too awkward for him to carry both and walk out to the shelter. He loaded up the trailer and hooked it to the back of an ATV, then set off across the property toward the future women’s shelter the ol’ ladies were working their asses off to build.

He strode through the newly installed front door and deposited the first package before returning for the second. A silver Mazda he recognized well by now sat parked on the dirt patch that would eventually become a large driveway.

Brenna was somewhere in the building.

Awareness prickled along his spine. They hadn’t had a chance to do more than send the occasional text in the three days since they agreed to be friends with the option to fuck each other’s brains out on occasion.

A muttered curse came from one of the back rooms, which would become bedrooms for staff staying overnight. Lock unlaced his boots as he smirked. Sneaking up on someone was damn near impossible with those clunky things. Clad only in black socks, he padded down the hallway, peeking into rooms as he went.
