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Bolt reached around her for the door handle, making sure to plaster his body against her. His erection nudged her back, making her gag.

He chuckled. “Have fun,” he whispered in her ear before opening the door and shoving her inside.

Bright light assaulted her from every angle. After spending countless hours underground in the dim, dank prison, the light was blinding. She shielded her eyes with a hand, blinking as she tried to orient to her surroundings.

“Next, we have Cindy,” a loud voice announced overhead, making her jump. “Isn’t she adorable? She never goes anywhere without that teddy bear.”

As her eyes adjusted, she realized she was in a large room with stark white flooring and three white walls. Straight across from her, the entire wall was floor-to-ceiling mirrors. She had a feeling a panel of vile, rich bastards watched her through those mirrors.

“Give this little one a lollipop, and she’ll do whatever you want. Cindy will be such a good girl for you, and if she’s not, she responds to a firm hand.”

She froze, except for her stomach, which lurched violently. Would they let her go if she vomited on the floor? No one would want her then, right?

“Please start the bidding. Cindy, honey, please turn slowly in a full circle for us like a good girl.”

Her legs trembled. Though she couldn’t see the bidders, she felt every eye scoring her skin like knives. The tiny hairs all over her body rose to attention. Never had she felt so exposed, wearing this goddamn dress while a bunch of pedophiles gawked at her bare ass cheeks. The lollipop stick bent in the force of her grip. She felt like she was a character in the plot of a horror movie as she turned around.

A buzzing in her ear blocked out anything else the emcee said. She fought to keep her promise to herself and not cry. These cretins would only get off on it, but with each passing second, maintaining control of her emotions became more difficult. Her breathing became choppy, and dizziness made it difficult to remain standing.

Then, the announcer said something that trickled into her consciousness and made her heart seize. “Thank you, gentlemen, we have a winner. Your prize will be delivered to you shortly.”

The door she’d entered through opened, and Bolt appeared. He grabbed her arm and towed her out of the room. She stumbled along, barely able to process her surroundings. He ushered her to another room, where he knocked.

The door opened to reveal a slightly overweight man with a bushy mustache and thinning hair. He wore a partially open shirt, showcasing his gray chest hair and two gold chains like a seventies porn director.

“Congratulations, sir,” Bolt said.

The man didn’t acknowledge Bolt at all. He stared wide-eyed at Brenna, who automatically took a step back.

“Hello, sweetheart, what a pretty girl you are. My name is Ron Wilson, but you may call me Mr. Wilson.”

Her knees wobbled.

Bolt shoved her forward and then pulled the door shut behind her.

The man caught her upper arms with a bruising grip. Thick rings on his fingers bit into her skin. The blatant hunger in his eyes made her sick to her stomach. Instant revulsion had her struggling to free herself from his grasp.

He frowned. “Now, Cindy, I was promised you’d be a good girl. I’d hate to have to punish you so early.”

“Let me go, you perverted piece of shit. My name isn’t Cindy.”

His shoulders sagged as he heaved a sigh as though genuinely disappointed in her. The next thing she knew, the back of his hand, gaudy rings and all, smashed into the side of her face so hard she crumpled to the floor. The bear flew out of her hands as the lollipop clattered on the tile floor, breaking into pieces.

Brenna screamed and cradled her face. It felt as though her eye had exploded out of the socket.

The man tsked. “You must be one of the new girls,” he said, sounding like he was speaking to a child. “That’s okay. I’m the perfect man to teach you how things work around here and make sure you obey the rules. Now look,” he said as he bent down toward her.

Brenna scrambled as far away from him as she could.

He tutted and picked up the lollipop. “You ruined your treat. That’s a shame.”

She gaped at him. Either she had a brain injury or was stuck in a nightmare. This grown-ass man was legitimately speaking to her as though she was a child.

“Don’t worry, little one,” he said, crouching beside her. “I have something else you can suck.”

It was then that Brenna realized that no matter how strong she thought she was, she might not make it until the Handlers found her.

