Page 22 of Protecting Paris

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“Wanna let me in?”

I hung up and went to the entry door to see him standing there with a pizza box and a six-pack of beer. “Trying to get me drunk on our first date?” My brows cinched as I pushed the door open.

He chuckled as he walked in and then followed me around the corner to my apartment. “Haven’t had time to talk, and since my wife is currently distracted with the shower, I figured now was a good time. Unless you’re busy.” He glanced at my computer.

“Nah.” I closed the screen, and he set the pizza box down and opened up a beer. “I’m good. Thanks, though,” I said when he offered me one. “What’s on your mind?”

“Not much. Wanted to see if you settled in all right.”

I pulled a slice of sausage and pepper pizza from the pie and sighed. “Bullshit. Just say what you really came here to say.”

“Bristol’s worried about you.” He took a swig of beer. “And Paris.”

“Of course she is,” I mumbled.

“She’s been through a lot and—”

I cut him off. “You don’t need to tell me that, Beck.”

“Right. I don’t want her worrying, so just give me something, man, anything that will ease her mind about what’s going on with her two best friends.”

It was none of his business, and as much as I loved Bristol, it was none of hers, either. But I knew her, so she wouldn’t stop worrying until she had a reason not to. “Paris and I… connected at your wedding. There was a misunderstanding, and she ran away before I got a chance to explain.”

“She told Bristol she was suddenly ill, but we both knew it was a lie.”

“I knew I was going to be moving to Warrenville, so I figured I’d give her space until I got here. Had no clue I’d be next door to her, but happy as fuck I am. We’re good. Working things out, getting to know each other. Honestly, there’s nothing else to say.”

“Did Bristol tell you about how they met?”

I shook my head as I swallowed. “Not in detail.”

“We’d gone out to dinner, and Bristol wanted to go dancing, so we went to a club. Before we left, she went to the bathroom, where she found Paris beat up.”

“What the fuck?”

“She met a guy for a blind date from one of those apps who was under the assumption that she’d put out in the parking lot they met up at. He wasn’t happy to find out that wasn’t the case.”

My fists clenched. “Please tell me someone fucked this guy up.”

“I did. We walked her to her car, and he was waiting for her. After I laid him out, she begged me not to call the cops because she just wanted to go home and forget about it. I let her go and stayed with him while I called a cop buddy of mine, Grayson, who ran his plates and made some threats.”

“You got that info still?”

“Nah, but I can get it from Gray.”

I jerked my chin. “Do that.”

“So you get why Bristol worries.”

“Yeah.” And I just got another piece to the puzzle I’d been missing. “Not gonna do anything to hurt her, Beck.”

“I know that.”

“I’m not gonna pressure her or take advantage of her vulnerability, but I am pursuing her. The only way I’ll stop is if Paris herself makes me.”


