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I’d known from the beginning of my relationship with Evan that I wouldn't be able to have a child of my own. With dragon shifters and humans unable to produce offspring, it was a truth I'd had to face out of the gate if I wanted to be with Evan. I loved him deeply and was more than happy to have our little family of three, but a part of me still silently lamented a dream I’d never see come true.

Still, as I held Sofia in my arms, I felt that dull ache ease a bit. Here was a child that I could love, protect, and that I could raise. She might not have carried my blood, but she carried my heart.

And that was enough.

Evan glanced at me when we entered the house, his eyes warm as he watched me with Sofia, seeming to understand the depth of my feelings at being reunited with her, even though it had only been one weekend.

“I’m going to meet with Sebastian and give him the full rundown of your meeting with Rosalind,” he said. “We need to figure out what to do next, and I’d rather get moving on it sooner than later.”

I nodded, my hand moving rhythmically over Sofia’s back. “That sounds good. Let me know what you discuss?”

“Of course.” Evan leaned in to kiss my cheek, then followed Sebastian up the stairs.

I turned to Abi. “So, how did she do? I was half-afraid she’d reach a new milestone while I was away.”

Abi chuckled. “Nothing major, I promise. Do you need anything? Are you hungry? I just made some sandwiches and tea. We could take them out to the back porch.”

“That sounds wonderful.” With Sofia on my hip, I followed Abi to the kitchen and helped her carry the tea and sandwiches outside. When I put Sofia down, she immediately set about crawling and moving all around the back porch.

Abi set a tray on the table, then poured us both tall glasses of iced tea before we sat together on the swing.

“Look at her go,” Abi said, chuckling and nodding at Sofia. She was now making her way across the porch, a determined expression on her face as she headed toward a planter full of orange and red lilies.

“She’s getting the hang of it,” I said, my heart swelling with pride. I was so happy I’d been present for each of Sofia's milestones. Even the tiny smiles and mundane day-to-day moments brought me an unparalleled sense of joy.

“Sebastian told me about Miami,” Abi said, her gaze steady on mine. “Well, as much as Evan told him. I’m sure there’s more, but I want you to know how much it means to all of us that you were willing to do this.”

I shrugged, picking at the rim of my cup. “It felt like the right thing to do.” And it was. We had a real lead now.

Abi smiled, but it was tinged with something I couldn’t place. “It takes a lot to put oneself in danger, especially for the sake of others. It shows just how much you care about Evan. And about Sofia.”

“I do care about them,” I said softly. “I love them both. More than I ever thought I could. Honestly, they’ve become my world. It’s more than I could have hoped for.”

Abi’s smile widened, her blue eyes warm with affection. “You're a good woman, Mariah. Evan and Sofia are both lucky to have you.”

As I watched Sofia on the porch, her chubby little hands slapping against the wooden planks as she moved around, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. Yes, I was in love with Evan, and I loved Sofia, too. Maybe I didn't need biology to be a real mother. Maybe all I needed was love, and that I had in abundance.

"Tell me about Miami," Abi said, wrapping her hands around her glass of iced tea.

I took a sip of my own tea, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips as I lowered my glass. "It was nice. Unexpectedly nice."

"Unexpected?" Abi prompted, her eyes raised. “How so?”

I let my gaze drift off toward the trees. "I've always wanted to travel, but circumstances were never really in my favor. It was nice to get that chance this weekend, to see a new place.”

Abi smiled. "I can imagine."

"It was a welcome escape,” I confessed, finding the courage to voice my feelings. “At least, once the conversation with Rosalind was over. Experiencing something new, exploring a new city. Not worrying about…everything."

I expected Abi to nod, maybe even offer a few words of consolation, but she did more than that. "That's the spirit," she said, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Life is short, Mariah. It's important to take these moments to enjoy it as much as you can. As parents, we have so many obligations that we often forget that."

I blinked at her. Parent? Was that what she considered me to be? That’s how I felt, but it made me feel all warm and fuzzy for Abi to see me that way. Like I really was a part of this family.

"But even parents need a break," she said, her gaze softening. “It's okay to admit that we need some time to ourselves. To rejuvenate. To be…just us."

Her words resonated, as it was truly wonderful to experience time with Evan away from everything else. I glanced at Sofia, still happily exploring the porch. She’d made it to the planter and was looking up at me as she reached a hand for the dirt, a drooling grin on her face. I stood from the swing to scoop her up before she could get a fistful of dirt, as it’d go straight to her mouth.

"I'm really glad you were able to enjoy some of the weekend," Abi said, her gaze on Sofia now. "And if you ever need someone to look after Sofia, you know I'm always here. It's been nice having a little one around the house again. Brings back so many memories."

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