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I found myself chuckling at that. "I bet it does."

It was an unfamiliar thing to be talking about parenting as if it was a regular part of my life. But as I sat there with Abi and Sofia, it didn't feel strange or unusual. It felt right. I looked at Sofia, her laughter filling the air, and I knew I wouldn't trade this for anything. This was my life now. Chaotic, unpredictable, and utterly beautiful.

“I’m sure I’ll take you up on that offer, Abi," I said, running my hand over Sofia’s silken hair. “Especially once my classes begin.”

Abi's smile widened. "Have you decided on a school?”

I nodded. “I think I have it narrowed down between two programs. I’m hoping to get my applications in this week.”

“How exciting.” Abi's gaze turned thoughtful as the conversation lulled. She looked at me, her eyes seeming to evaluate me. "You and Evan," she said, taking another sip of tea. Her tone was careful. “Have you discussed what your future together looks like?"

The question caught me off guard. Evan and I had spoken on multiple occasions about our future, but we'd never really had an in-depth conversation. Maybe Abi could shed some light on that.

"Evan has mentioned the idea of my being his…mate," I said, feeling a bit shy bringing up such an intimate topic. “If I’m being honest, I’m not even sure what all that entails. I still have so many questions."

Abi nodded. “I’m sure you do. You’re learning about a whole new world. Please, if you feel comfortable, ask away."

The shifter world was still something of a mystery to me, even though I'd been living with an alpha dragon for some time now. Evan had been my guide through it all so far, explaining the ways of their world with patience and understanding, but this was something he’d been reluctant to get into.

"What happens when shifters claim each other?" I said in a rush, my curiosity getting the better of me.

Abi seemingly appreciated my boldness. “There are several layers to the claiming. Physically, when shifters claim their mates, they give them a claiming mark—literally. The shifter initiating the claiming rite bites his partner's neck. This is symbolic of their promise to protect and care for each other. You are marked as the other’s in an unbreakable bond.”

I sat there and processed this new information. That sounded…intense. I absently rubbed my neck, wondering if it would hurt.

“Then there’s the metaphysical element to the bond,” Abi said. “Something that goes far deeper. When two dragons, or whatever the shifter species may be, claim each other, they forge a mate bond. It's a spiritual connection that brings them closer to one another. The bond allows them to feel each other at all times. You have a heightened awareness of the other’s presence, their emotions and state of well-being.”

I imagined what it’d be like to have such a connection with Evan. Was that what I’d experienced last night? A hint of what was to come when he claimed me? If so, that was a lot to take in.

"Is a mate bond something stronger than a human marriage?" I said, thinking of the only frame of reference I had from my own world. That’s how Evan tried to explain it, if only briefly, as similar to marriage, but something that went beyond societal convention.

"In a way, yes. But the bond between shifters is stronger because it's not just about love or commitment. It's about two souls becoming one. Joined in a way I can’t explain. Once you claim your mate…that’s it. Forever. We don't need to hold a ceremony, the intimate exchange is enough. But when shifters sense a new bond, there's usually a celebration to honor the new mates. We had a mating ceremony for Lucas and Cynthia—something on par with a human wedding.”

A mating ceremony. It sounded nice. A way for the clan to acknowledge and accept the new bond.

"But what about…?” I gestured at myself. "I mean, I’m human. Evan talks about me being his mate, but do you know of any humans and shifters mating? It can’t be the same, right?"

Abi shook her head. "No, it's not the same. There are instances of humans and shifters mating, but the bond is never as intense. That doesn't mean it's any less meaningful,” she rushed to add. “The bond goes deeper than love. And for a shifter to choose a human as a mate, that speaks volumes about their feelings."

Could Evan and I have a bond like that, even if it wouldn't be as intense? Would our feelings for each other be enough?

There was so much I still needed to learn about this world. But one thing was for sure: I was willing to take the leap for Evan, and for myself as well. If there was one thing I'd learned in my time with the Careys, it was that their world was full of love and warmth and family—something I'd been seeking all my life.

"You've given me a lot to think about, Abi," I said.

Abi chuckled, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Take your time figuring this stuff out, Mariah. There's no rush. Remember, the most important thing is what you and Evan want. Focus on that, and everything else will fall into place."

I felt her strength and compassion. I’d never had a true mother figure, but she fit the bill, and I was thrilled to become part of this family. “Thank you, Abi. I appreciate you telling me this.”

She shrugged a little. “You’re family now, Mariah. It’s important you know these things. I’m here for you in any way you need. Evan may not be my biological son, but I’ve always loved him as if he were. His mother was my best friend, like a sister. I want you to know, Mariah…she’d be so happy to see the woman he’s chosen to share his life with.”

Her words stirred something deep inside me, and I blinked back tears, touched by her sincerity. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”

There was a moment of silence, then Abi’s gaze grew serious. “I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds here. Please tell me if it’s none of my business, but I have to ask…” She hesitated briefly, then plunged ahead. “Are you okay with the fact that you and Evan won’t be able to have children of your own? Biologically, I mean.”

I never really allowed myself to dwell on this for very long when it came up, knowing I’d always choose Evan if it came down to it. I loved Sofia and cherished her like she was my own. But the truth was, the thought of never being able to carry a child of my own did weigh on my heart, even as I worked hard to accept it.

“I’m still coming to terms with that,” I said, blinking against the sting of tears in my eyes. “I love Sofia with my whole heart. I do. But…”
